turbo calcium vs kalkwasser mix



well i am still having a calcium problem cant get it over 300...i dosed 30ml of each ESV B-IONIC alk and calcim for a whole week in the mornings like the instructions tested it last night and it came out to be 280...so the next thing i am going to do is add a mix to my top off and probably drip it....i am staying away from liquids since i dont get results so im going with powders
my only question now is should i use turbo calcium or kalkwasser mix???? :help: :help: :help: :help:


kalk is more to keep a stable cal not to raise it so much.


i dont supplement magnesium so i havent tested for it...i was going to try adding mg+ but i ran out of calcium so i went to the LFS and they told me that the b ionic would raise it to the needed levels...but today i was going to put in an order for some mg and other stuff


You need to test alkalinity and magnesium. If your alk is high, dosing both parts of ESV B-IONIC will not raise your calcium. If your mag level is low, your alk and calcium will be low too.
What salt are you using? How often do you do water change? Use turbo calcium for it is a lot more concentrated than ESV B-IONIC.


Originally Posted by jrthomas40
well i am still having a calcium problem cant get it over 300...i dosed 30ml of each ESV B-IONIC alk and calcim for a whole week in the mornings like the instructions tested it last night and it came out to be 280...so the next thing i am going to do is add a mix to my top off and probably drip it....i am staying away from liquids since i dont get results so im going with powders
my only question now is should i use turbo calcium or kalkwasser mix???? :help: :help: :help: :help:
Limewater (kalkwasser) is a balanced additive. It adds equal amounts of both alk and cal. If you need to boost either you will need to add that seperately.


my alk tested at 11dkh, i have started using reef crystals and i do about a 15-20 gallon water change (90gallon) every 2 weeks


Originally Posted by jrthomas40
my alk tested at 11dkh, i have started using reef crystals and i do about a 15-20 gallon water change (90gallon) every 2 weeks
Your alk/cal is not in equilibrium. You can add a ton of balanced additive (kalk, both parts of 2-part solution) and your levels will still be the same. You'll just end up having a ton of CaCO3 dust.
Here's the equilibrium table posted https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/show...threadid=86674:
Alk/ dKH/ Calcium
0.00 0.00 360
0.50 1.40 370
1.00 2.80 380
1.50 4.20 390
2.00 5.60 400
2.50 7.00 410
3.00 8.40 420 (Near sea water)
3.50 9.80 430
4.00 11.20 440
4.50 12.60 450
5.00 14.00 460
5.50 15.40 470
6.00 16.80 480
To get it to equilibrium, you need to raise your calcium. You can use just the calcium part of the ESV B-IONIC. You probably will have to use the entire bottle to raise your calcium level to 420.
A better solution is to get yourself some grandular calcium cloride like Turbo Calcium or DowFlake. Use the grandular to raise your calcium to ~420ppm. Once your levels are in equilibrium, starting dosing both parts of your ESV B-IONIC or kalk drip to maintain that level.


Your caught in the same trap I was in. Not dosing enough. Forget about what the bottle says on the back, 30ml is for maintaining. This link was posted on another thread I was was on a couple of days ago and now my levels are great. I haven't decided what I'm going to do about dosing in the future yet, but the liquids are definitely too expensive for the use I get out of them. I have a 90 as well.
It's a a calculator.


Oh yeah, and Moneyman was in that thread too and helped me. ;-)


Originally Posted by davidmwj
Oh yeah, and Moneyman was in that thread too and helped me. ;-)
lol - I will be post-count rich giving these advices :)
I am glad that worked for you.

aztec reef

Active Member
I agree ,when i use to have this problem i mix a little bit of ro/di with Kent's turbo calcium and drip -add and always has worked. becareful to Not overdose.


Originally Posted by MoneyMan
lol - I will be post-count rich giving these advices :)
I am glad that worked for you.
Yep, keep on posting.

bang guy

Originally Posted by jrthomas40
my alk tested at 11dkh, i have started using reef crystals and i do about a 15-20 gallon water change (90gallon) every 2 weeks
Try a 75 gallon water change and start form there.


New Member
I am new to the forum, I have had my 90 gal for about 1yr. I have used purpleup since the begining it keeps my calcium around 420ppm. I use it about once per week. Seems to work for me.


yesterday morning i started dosing 30ml of the alk and 60 of the calcium twice a day, i will do that or more until i get the powder and magnesium, the next water change i do i will do 50%...when i had my 45 i didnt test for calcium but i used seachem reef calcium and i had great coraline