Turbo snail death?


I purchased two Turbo snails two months ago. One always was moving around, but the other one was a bit slower. A few days ago, I noticed one of my snails wasn't moving.
I waited for a couple of days and then when I pulled him out I noticed that he was hard on the inside.
How long do the Turbo snails last. My other snails is doing pretty good, but I don't want anything to happen to him.
Please advice?


Active Member
Well, this is not normal. It is not uncommon to have one or two die off after introdution. Usually the key questions are:
What are your water parameters?
How long did you acclimate the snails?

bang guy

What do you mean it was "hard on the inside". Can you elaborate? Mexican Trochus have a plate they use for protection to cover the entrance to their shell.
These snails live 15 - 20 years if well cared for.


When we picked him off the tank, we looked inside and his body was shriveled all the way into the shell. I touched him and the inside was hard.
We moved him once and waited for 3 days and he didn't move.
Our water parameters are salinity is 1.022, pH is 7.8, Ammonia is 0, Nitrate and Nitrite are both ok. We check the water weekly and everything is normal.


I would suggest raising your PH to atleast 8.2 -8.3. I believe they are sensitive to low PH levels. This could be the reason.


Active Member
definitely raise teh PH and what does ok nitrite mean??
teh only OK, to nitrite is ZERO, not close, but exactly ZERO. SO, imo, OK IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE ANSWER FOR nITRITE.
aLSO,IMO the salinitey could be a tad higher, snails seem to do better between 1.022 and 1.025(higher being better). Yes, yours is in that range, but barely. BUT, the salinity did not kill them, except maybe if not acclimated properly.


Active Member
When i used to add tap water, my turbo snails would die. Now i use distilled. Did u use tap water in a recent water change?