Turkey Day Confession!


Active Member
OK, come on out people.
Who else does not like turkey?
I just don't find it all that great. Admit it :) My Mom is making a goose, and I am looking forward to that. We always had a turkey out of sheer tradition. But Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years make the perfect trifecta - lamb, roast beef and ham.
But I always feel it is tough to admit this deepest secret...
I don't really like turkey. I don't look forward to days of turkey sandwiches and leftovers.
Let's band together


I never cared for turkey til I started making it myself. Turns out, it doesn't hafta be as dry as my mom made it... shhh don't tell her I said it.
I hate homemade stuffing. any I've ever had, and the radio did a poll yesturday, turns out a lot of people hate homemade stuffing, so this year, and this is MY thanksgiving secret, I stuffed with stove top. haha!!
It's gonna be goooooood


Active Member
I never really liked it either until we started deep frying it. You get so much more flavor out of it and it stays much moister than traditional roasting. And no, its not greasy at all!


Active Member
Yeah, the deep fryer thing is intriguing...I haven't had one but I'll have to try.
Is there anyone who has had a Turducken? (spelling?)
That is a turkey stuffed with a duck that is stuffed with a chicken.


How in the....???
I need a picture.
Oh and you gotta recheck your title's spelling.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Yeah, the deep fryer thing is intriguing...I haven't had one but I'll have to try.
Is there anyone who has had a Turducken? (spelling?)
That is a turkey stuffed with a duck that is stuffed with a chicken.
I had some turducken once...a kid at my lunch table brought a leg in (the thing was huge, at least a foot long) and we all ate it.
It was good. Not healthy at all, though.


Active Member
Can't be any worse than that Goose mentioned above. Geese were taking over my property one year, so I took out three. Tried one deep fried, one baked in the oven in a turkey bag, and forgot how I did the third....but all of it was NASTY. Very greasy animal...not recommended.


Raises hand on the whole turkey eating thing..I'm not a huge meat eater at all and I cant stand to look at meat that resembles an animal, it literly makes me gag. So my husband and kids let me make ham instead of turkey. They all say they actually enjoy the ham over the turkey anyway..


Active Member
i love turkey!!
my inlaws made a 18lb'er yesterday, i'm making one this sunday. our turkey will be SOLEY for 2 people... there is NOTHING better than a left over turkey sandwich, turkey warmed up a tad, mayo and salt. MMMMMMMMMMMM


Active Member
I guess I like the goose (and duck too) because they are greasy - more moist and tasty. My Mom rocked it
as she always does. And no huge carcass left over to pick at for days (benefit, IMO).
I suppose this is also a confession.
I AM a big skin eater. YUM! (even turkey....)

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i love turkey!!
there is NOTHING better than a left over turkey sandwich, turkey warmed up a tad, mayo and salt. MMMMMMMMMMMM

coral keeper

Active Member
Well, i have a little confession to make............ I LOVE duck!!!! Id pick duck over any other bird any day. Duck....MMMMMMMMMMMMMM


I'll confess I would rather have meat like lamb or something red like steak or my favorite buffalo. I'm not a huge bird person


Active Member
mmmm, buffalo is quite tasty. Ostrich isn't bad either, considering it is a bird. I'm not a big "fowl" person all in all, esp turkey and chicken. Blech. Just...boring I guess?


Yea, I used to be the floor manager in a fine dining restaraunt so I got spoiled on all these I guess you could say exotic foods so now I find turkey and such just boring to eat. Shame the good stuff costs so much more. I could really go for a nice buffalo filet and glass of merlot right now lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Kangaroo is good too
But surely I digress....
KANGAROO???? Ophiura

We are gettin' exotic now...but I would probably try it