

good you little least my kids will respect adults and not think they can walk all over them due to lack of authority
You really are showing how young you are with stupid comments like that. As mentioned before, I have children and have never laid a hand on them and they completely respect authority. I get compliments all the time about how well behaved my children are in public. I don't allow them to run around restaurants and be loud in public places.
My point before to the mother who was having problems is that hitting is just not a way to "get through" to children. I guess some people believe that and that's just sad. Spanking occurs when the adult has become ANGRY. If a child spills a glass of juice on the floor chances are the parent is not going to get angry. If a child lies or steals (for example), the parent is going to get angry and possibly hit. It's all in the parents' control on HOW the discipline or punishment is handed out. Believe me my children have made me angry in the past with their behavior. My voice and my words SHOWED THEM AUTHORITY...NOT the palm of my hand. Hitting just teaches children to be afraid. Would you want your children to be afraid of you? Being afraid is NOT the same as respect.
Now if you want to continue your immature attention getting responses like the one above go right ahead. It's obvious you are VERY young (still cant' believe you're 19) and have a TON of growing up to do. Good luck to will need it with that attitude.


Active Member

Originally posted by disgusted
good you little least my kids will respect adults and not think they can walk all over them due to lack of authority
Now if you want to continue your immature attention getting responses like the one above go right ahead. It's obvious you are VERY young (still cant' believe you're 19) and have a TON of growing up to do. Good luck to will need it with that attitude.

jeez....learn to use the quote button
look i dont care what you think. It doesnt bother me that you discipline your kids in a different way...and it shouldnt bother you since you dont even know wont know my children.
I got spankings. I never acted bad in public. When i did something wrong I got disciplined....oh
im probably gonna piss you off again but im definately going to use the soap in the mouth routine!
worked for will work for my kids.
now please stop professing
how much of a saint you are from your pacifistic child care techniques...i nor people that spank their kids do not care


You are not pissing me off. I find you immature and looking for attention.
I never once said I was a Saint for the way I raised my children. I happen to be very proud of them and who they have become. They are wonderful children who have excellent behavior and they have learned it from our discipline...not our beatings or putting soap in their mouths. That is just cruel. How you plan on doing that is beyond my comprehension. You are already making a conscious effort to disrespect and hurt your children. Shame on you.


Active Member
oh my god....shut up you are boring and gutless
if i wanted attention id go play with my dog
I dont care about your stance on this.
choices are choices and mine are the good ones IME now go raise money for homeless people


I GIVE money to homeless shelters yearly. I don't need to raise it but thanks for the thought.
You are probably the only one who thinks your choices are good ones. You think deliberately hurting children is a good choice? What is wrong with you? You are already planning to hit your children when you get angry with them.....sick and twisted.