I just added two false perculas in with my maroon. They have been going at it since i put them in. My yellow tang is doing a good job breaking up the fights but i hope they start to get along.
Originally Posted by DodgerBlue http:///forum/post/2903897
I just added two false perculas in with my maroon. They have been going at it since i put them in. My yellow tang is doing a good job breaking up the fights but i hope they start to get along.
I don't think they will stop going at it until one dies. You need to remove either the maroon or the percs immediately. How big is the tank?
Oh yes, unless this is a very large aquarium please remove either the pair or the maroon right way. Clowns do not like groups of three, especially a maroon that has been in the tank for awhile.
i appreciate everyones concern but i have to admit that i've seen it done a few times. i think that most people get freaked out by the initial fighting and don't let nature handle it's business. Everyone else gets scared off by all the posts. It's now been about 8 hours since i introduced the perculas and i think they only fought for the first hour. They leave each other alone unless they cross each other then they might give chase for a couple and thats it. I know it's still early but i hope it works out. I'll keep everyone updated.
I know that there is alot of years of experiance and knowledge in these post. (i wouldn't be here if there wasn't) But I also know that everything doesn't always "follow the rule". So there is a chance you take when you go against what is the norm. Well the latest update is that my maroon and percs appear to be living in complete harmony. There is absolutely NO signs of aggression.
They will fight to the death. I have a 5 inch maroon, he is huge, have had him for 6 yrs. He is a mean prick, very territorial. But because of his size he is beautiful though. Don't see too many that big
Originally Posted by DodgerBlue http:///forum/post/2904546
I know that there is alot of years of experiance and knowledge in these post. (i wouldn't be here if there wasn't) But I also know that everything doesn't always "follow the rule". So there is a chance you take when you go against what is the norm. Well the latest update is that my maroon and percs appear to be living in complete harmony. There is absolutely NO signs of aggression.
As long as you are aware of the odds it's your tank
Well it's been about 3 days since I added the false percs in with my maroon and there is no sign of trouble. They are very happy tankmates at the moment. It's still a little early for the happy dance
, but hopefully they continue to get along. I'll see if I can post some pics later today.
You say everyone is freaked out by the initail fighting. In my case, I was freaked out by the fish mine killed when trying to find it a mate.
It is just a fact, maroons in general don't get along with others and will not tolerate other clowns in their territory. In all likelyhood the maroon will kill one and possibly try to pair up with the other (somewhere I remember seeing this but couldn't believe) this or just kill both. I do wish you luck, post on thier progress, it will be interesting to see how this turns out.
Originally Posted by Lmecher http:///forum/post/2907765
You say everyone is freaked out by the initail fighting. In my case, I was freaked out by the fish mine killed when trying to find it a mate.
Is is just a fact, maroons in general don't get along with others and will not tolerate other clowns in their territory. In all likelyhood the maroon will kill one and possibly pair up with the other or just kill both. I do wish you luck, post on thier progress, it will be interesting to see how this turns out.
Huh? You think that the maroon will pair up with an occellaris? I never said it can't be done...but imo, it's not a good idea to try because the odds are against you.
Even if there are no signs right now, that doesn't mean that it doesn't go on behind your back - oh yes, fish are smart.
And yes, BangGuy is right - in a couple of years when that maroon matures, he will kill em' off.
I think we are here because we love this hobby and it makes me sad that you'd say something so mean. What did you expect everyone to say, you are putting fish together that are incompatible?
I think in 3 years you'll be the one
I think we are here because we love this hobby and it makes me sad that you'd say something so mean. What did you expect everyone to say, you are putting fish together that are incompatible?
I think in 3 years you'll be the one
Originally Posted by DodgerBlue http:///forum/post/2908136
WOW! bunch of haters on the forum. Log on in three years so I can show you an updated photo of all my fish still living together.
I don't understand your comment. People are going out of their way and taking the time to give you their best opinion and in return you call them names.
That's just not right IMO.
I would be amazed if you are able to get them to coexist. If you can, then you will get the last laugh. However, I have no doubt in my mind that you won't be laughing. I would sell the maroon. Incompatibility is probably the easiest problem to solve...because even if you do nothing about it, it will solve itself.