Two fish fish, um...uh...goes in my tank?


Help me decide which fish I should purchase...
Current stock list in my 29g biocube:
2 false percs
green clown goby


Active Member
Did you know that if you are keeping coral in the tank any angel is a possible coral nipper and may irritate the coral to death?


Active Member
Not that the nipping will kill it directly but it could cause the polyps to stay closed not allowing the coral to feed. Some keep them without problems. Just the luck of the draw really. nycbob has a flame in his beautiful SPS dominant tank and has not had any major problems that he has related yet.
Of the two you have listed I would try the pygmy, I say this because I have seen some huge coral beauties that would not be happy in a 29 biocube.


LOL...I went with the crazy get this instead.....Get a firefish...purple ones are nice, or the standard red and white....good fish for that size tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...I went with the crazy get this instead.....Get a firefish...purple ones are nice, or the standard red and white....good fish for that size tank.
Gob big or go home,helfrichi firefish Nemateleotris helfrichi

$100.00 give or take a few.


Originally Posted by spanko
^^^^^Trailer trash dartfish.

Helfrichi FTW!!!!!!

Lol. Just cause it has a higher price tag does not make it more pretty. It's all opinion.
Helfrichi is so much nicer in person though. I'd just never waste the money.


Originally Posted by wilks
I'm not a huge fan of firefish truth be told.

what about this little joker???
Well you coulda lied about it

You have to get what YOU like...LOL....I have one of those too...a pseudochromis....keeps to problems with it


Active Member
Just beware that Pseudos are really territorial, and can be nasty little buggers. If you're planning on adding add'l fish, you might want to add that one last in a tank that size.
No more than 1, and it won't get along w/ similar fish like grammas, etc.
IME, Pygmys and Coral Beauties are among the more reef safe angels, but almost all angels are a risk as Spanko points out. It varies widely from one individual to another.
The CB will also outgrow the tank, and I haven't seen many that are suitable size for a 29 to start with. It's a fish that I'd also prefer to buy in person, as the coloration varies quite a bit.


Active Member
Get the fish you'll enjoy the most. I would suggest the pygmy over the CB as he will get too large for a 29gal. If he happens to pick at some coral here and there, so be it. Just think of it as expensive fish food.