Typhoon RO/DI -- your kiddin me!!!!!!


this is what is inside of your RO membrane housing (Small tube) notice that there is only one input and one output. All the extra/waste water just goes right around it and down the drain.
I have mine connect to ONE the dran and 2 my fige for drinking water and ice.


In my logical thought process, the "waste" water that comes out, would be cleaners than the tap water itself. So running it back though the filters again, technically im thinking that the "waste" water would either, get filtered again, or pass through it without harm with the hope that some of it gets passed to the ro/di process where a small percent goes thorugh anyhow. Maybe my thinking is flawed but I only see changing the carbon filter more frequently possibly.
The check valve that I used was a simple air line check valve that I attached to the tubing. The t-valve i just picked up at home depot.
Please forgive the crude drawing in paint. The red arrows shows the direction of the water.


you are absolutly correct. the RO waste water is better then tap water because it has gone through the 2-3 stage block carbon filers. Thus you can feed your ro unit with waste water and that would be fine.... there is only one thing... the waste water line has to be allow to flow freely. if the flow is restricted at all it will force more water through your RO membrane and damaging it. that is the only thing i would becareful of with your setup.


Active Member
Figured I would test my water to see, here are the results:
Tap water : 236 TDS
Waste water from RO/DI unit: 290 TDS
I am interested to see what everyone elses tests at.


Thanks, thats good to know. Never really thought of that. Im thinking that the water pressure coming out of the faucet really isnt that strong, so flowing the water back into probably helps a little with the pressure. Im probably only making about 10 gallons a day or so.


yeah coming out of your faucet isn't that strong up squez all that water comming out of a one faucet into a 5/16 th of an inch hose and you PSI can triple.
also most ro/di units run off of ~50-70 psi... that means you ro membrane is only using ~ half of that. so any restrant on the waste line will cause the membrane PSI to jump.


Birdy- wow that is interesting??? did you check your TDS from the input to your RO unit or from the faucet? I have to test mine to night.


Active Member
I started a thread in the reef forum to see what everyones tap vs waste water TDS readings are, if anyone is interested.


So basically the waste water has some of the "pollutants" that you were trying to filter out in it. So my theory holds up I would think :notsure:


Active Member
basically the waste water is worse than the original tap if you keep using the waste then it will shorten the life of your filters and membrane a lot quicker than if you just use tap, the cost of replacing the filters far outweighs the cost of waste water, especially because you can find use for waste water you just have to be inventive.


Or what i would do is buy a deionization unit..Kent Marine makes one(goes for $200)..You get the better water you need, while having no waste water, or having to deal with it..and the resin cartridges that come with it can be reused over and over by "recharging" it.


If you are in a area that does not have a water shortage the only bad thing about "wasting" water is the money that it will cost you. While maybe you could take it another step and say that money could go to better use (and you might be right), but as both you and I know that money wouldnt go to these "needy" people anyway.
You act like the water coming out of my tap is taking water away from somone who really needs it and that is not the fact.
I understand your basic idea, but in the end it doesnt hold water...


I skimmed so i don't know if anyone mentioned this...
I you take showers every day cut your time by 1 min
And try even harder to cut it down ALOT
Wash dishes w/ less water
You may think you waster water with you RO unit but think about your day, You waste water slowly so you never notice, But seeing all that water makes you surprised, Cut eveything down that u use water for and you'll be amased you water bill is less then before you had an RO unit


u guys are just tryin to justify what u do..
you cannot take away from daily chores and activities or call water evaporation wasting water....
what has to be done, has to be done. what can be saved, should be saved.. my wifes a humanitarian.. she gives to the needy, as do i. its difficult to see people in sudan, somalia, kashmir, etc., and i can go on and on... of how people suffer without water, or walk 2 miles to buy 1 gallon of water..becuz we are blessed, we abuse it and dont even notice it.
and its not about the money.. water used at home is much cheaper than buying from walmart or LFS. just the fact of it flat out going no where is what sucks..
your logic is your wasting water anyway with chores, so with the RO unit makes no difference? how old are you guys?

why do they ask everyone to vote? i mean theres enuf people doing it anyway, so y ask for ur vote? maybe 1 person + 1 person will eventually add up and make a difference..
sh** well whatever man, im not gona preach..
its your world, im just payin rent...
we dont waste water. where i live, there were droughts even.. i bought a 35gallon garbage bin.. i saved the waste water in it, and thanks to birdy for the idea, i used it for laundry today!


yo magic u got some serious issues.. haha..
when did i say ur stealin.. wow your young! ths is why they mess with u..
u tryin to tell me age makes no difference?? how many presidents have u seen who are under 40? if u guys are saying u waste water when u shower so may as well waste it with RO, well thats you being young talkin!!!!!!!
u stay talkin all this crap!! y dont u go fetch a life.. im sayin its not good to waste water and ur all up my case..