Bailey52Amphibious.. just checked out your website.. you should really get that rearranged.. I am in the design field.. and I could barely even tell what was going on at that site... you need to hire a web consultant
Hey Bailey, thanks for pointing out that my website doesn't fit YOUR idea of a well laid out site. Since you are in the design field, I suppose you expect me to hire you to straighten it out. Are you on a phishing expedition, Sir?
Since it's my website, I judge it's effectiveness by the number of positive comments we receive from our customers, the number of repeat sales we receive and the number of Acrylic aquariums we sell, our main product. I'll continue to judge my site through the feed back of my customers.
I don't appreciate your attempt to defame me on a public forum. It's a cheap shot! You Sir, need to lay off the Cool Aid.