Uggggg...nitrites...please help


Hi all. I just wanted to update my levels. I just tested them, and they are:
ammonia .75
nitrate 15
ph 8.0
nitrite 1.0
They are looking better, right? I did loose a fish today though. The powerhead I installed yesterday, I put the "cover" thing on the bottom of it, but my hogfish must have been swimming right under it. He was attached to it when I got home. How can I avoid this? I don't know how long he had been there, but he as stiff as a board

But I 'm starting to feel better about everhting in general.
Again, I know I'm not there yet, but I feel like I'm getting there. I ordered some live sand and some live rock from this website today, I expect it on Monday.


Bailey52Amphibious.. just checked out your website.. you should really get that rearranged.. I am in the design field.. and I could barely even tell what was going on at that site... you need to hire a web consultant

Hey Bailey, thanks for pointing out that my website doesn't fit YOUR
idea of a well laid out site. Since you are in the design field, I suppose you expect me to hire you
to straighten it out. Are you on a phishing expedition, Sir?
Since it's my website, I judge it's effectiveness by the number of positive comments we receive from our customers
, the number of repeat sales
we receive and the number of Acrylic aquariums
we sell, our main product. I'll continue to judge my site through the feed back of my customers.
I don't appreciate your attempt to defame me on a public forum. It's a cheap shot! You Sir, need to lay off the Cool Aid.


Ha, no I dont do small time sites... but anyway.. Im amazed.. I have never thought I would talk to Mr. Bill O'reilly on the web... this is truly an honor....
Good Day SIR!

Also.. im sure people on here seeing how you talk.. are just jumping to buy from you!


Active Member
i'm not taking sides but i was looking at his website and it is under construction so I wont make judgment until it's finished..unless it's just the pictures that are under construction. but yes i was interested in possibly at a later date getting an acrylic tank * it was kinda confusing* so i'm not sure wat i' would end up getting i ended up pushing links that sent me in the wrong place due to a lack of explaination....but it's under construction so it's alright.

design field= landscape architect --cool
i'm sure bailey would help you if you asked nicely...


Active Member
Originally Posted by dottiekh
Hi all. I just wanted to update my levels. I just tested them, and they are:
ammonia .75
nitrate 15
ph 8.0
nitrite 1.0
They are looking better, right? .

so far so good keeping fingers crossed


Yea... I wasnt trying to get a job.. I wouldnt be willing to travel and meet to discuss the site.. non the less.... I know these things.. if its confusing for me.. its going to be confusing for a customer.. expecially one who wants to spend lots of $$$ because when they are on the web.. if they get confused within five seconds BOOM they are on another site


Yea... I wasnt trying to get a job.. I wouldnt be willing to travel and meet to discuss the site.. non the less.... I know these things.. if its confusing for me.. its going to be confusing for a customer.. expecially one who wants to spend lots of $$$ because when they are on the web.. if they get confused within five seconds BOOM they are on another site.. its not like a brick and mortar building the hard part is getting them in, with a site... the hard part is keeping them there!