Ugliest Aquarium Contest - Win $100 order


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
$100 wont clean that up for you..
once the Goby and Tang are ready for the 180, this monstrosity is coming down once and for all. any cleaning crew I'd get if I were to win would go in the 180.

jon in tx

This might not be real ugly but it was painful. My new 90 gal sitting for weeks with no fish as I waited for cycle to complete!


Here is my tank and it still needs work
See the skimmer at the far back on the right. This is why I need SWF help



Active Member
You know, it's kind of sad that I would win this contest hands down if I could figure out how to post a picture.
Plus... I'm ashamed.


Active Member
What does it mean to be up and running because mine is pretty ugly right now, but it doesn't have any fish in it, it seems that some people are posting pics w/LR but no fish or corals do they count? If they do, I'll add a pic of my tank, not to brag but it's not pretty

yeffre kix

Here's my 125 "holding" tank that's been sitting on the floor for a few months now while I got my act together on the new tank. It has a few snails, hermits, hardy corals and one maroon clown that have survived. I'm working on the plumbing now for the big boy and hope to have it up and running soon.
Even with the huge open stand (36X36X96) I'm running into plumbing issues on space.
Have a ocean motion 4 way on a CL running 4800gph and a sump/ fuge running 4800gph.



keep the ugly tanks coming, but not all of the tanks are ugly just some



My brothers birthday present! My sudden lack of money has brought that project to a complete stop!


It's not much yet. I'm on a budget and can only do a little at a time. There is a clown, a hermit crab,a pencil urchin,and a peppermint shrimp in a 150g. It was hastily switched from the leaking 55g and needs real equiptment like a skimmer, much better filters, and probably a sump. Definately needs a bigger heater instead of the 4 little ones since it was minus 1 here last night.


New Member
Here's my tank established in Sept. 06'. I only have live rock and 30 watts of 10,000k lighting. I plan on getting better lighting and adding corals. My tank consists of a royal gramma, blue regal tang, percula clownfish, singapore angel, green manderin, pearlscale butterfly, leopard wrasse, peppermint shrimp, 2 hermit crabs, and 4 blue legged crabs. Maybe I can win the ugly tank award...
