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Hi Kelli, I kind of already mentioned this in another thread...it is possble you have two males and any "nonsense" could be a show of dominance?
If they are a pair, she will lay eggs anywhere, including the bottom of the cage.
Are both birds well trained and have they formed attachments to you and your family? I ask, because, honestly, you may want to consider birth control until you have established bonds with them. Throwing out eggs is difficult. Trying to help a pair of birds raise chicks (you will have to clean nest boxes, etc..) that don't want you to is next to impossible.
I don't think the birds will try to nest a loose egg. If you provide a nest box, you are absolutely committing yourself. If they are a pair they will "nest with a vengence".
It is an incredible thing to witness and be a part of, but get ready!
I never thought about that. I didn't know that they try to exert dominance that way!
How on earth do you get birth control for a bird? I'm assuming I have to get it from the vet?
Romey has strong attachments to us already, but I don't think Sophie, or Kiwi, whatever we name "her" does yet. Honestly, I don't really want baby birds, but I don't think I could bring myself to throw the eggs away, and my kids would be crushed!