Undecided about Emerald crab


I'm undecided if I should get an Emerald crab or not.
I really like this crab and heard they are extremely beneficial and usually peaceful but I had a nightmare in the past with a Sally Lightfoot that started to go after the fish and now I can't decide.
Anybody had a nightmare with and Emerald?


I love my emerald crabs (5) they will "try" to grab a fish when they swim by at times but i do not think they really could do much harm? I had three then on Monday added two more the two big ones fought for an hour or so to determin who was the badest.... now all seems peaceful.


I have two in my 65 but plan to add more. They are nice to watch and always seem to be shoving things in their mouth. I'll probably add two more when I increase the amount of rock.


my emerald crab just died.. the thing is he is under some rock in the back of my tank and to get him out i will have to move all of my rocks.. can I leave him in there?? or do I need to get him out?? will he float to the top ?


To the op, emeralds are nowhere near like a sally.Emeralds are a good addition to a tank especially if you have lots of junk on your rock.


New Member
I had an emerald in my reef and I caught it one day eating my frogspawn.
I haven't owned one since. I guess they all can behave differently though.


When I put 2 of mine in, one feasted on my zoo's.... tried to get them out asap, only able to get 1, the other must have burrowed, haven't seen him in days...moved the other that I could catch to a FOWLR tank. I won't get more to say the least.


I have an emerald crab in a 26 gal with a good deal of inverts and fish considering the size of the tank and it hasn't harmed anything. They're probably one of the coolest things in my tank.


two emerald crabs in my 14g. my tank is in cycle and they are doing awesome job keeping this annoying brown algae off my liverock... emerald crabs>>peaceful. as long as they have food source.


speaking of emerald crabs..... MY CRAB IS MISSING A CLAW!
guess the two got into a fight and one is missing a claw. the girlfriend says find the claw and super glue it back on lol.


Active Member
I had a set of them in my 14G.. one got WAY to agressive so I took him back and just left the one. then the one that was left started picking on corals so he got the boot at well. now I seem to have a very mellow one in the tank again to help control that hair algae. I really think they do lots of good, sometimes you just get one that is going to be a pain and knock things over and pick on corals. my current one... doesnt really hurt anything. I say go for it


Active Member
I haven't had the greatest luck with them.
Not sure if its the source, there wasn't enough food, or what, but neither I've had has lasted more than a couple months.


i like ours but we never see it. we saw it for about a day after we put it into the tank and now we have no idea where hes hiding.

vinny p

+ it's official..
my emerald crab is bad ass... there is not a thing in my tank it wont eat.. i had a very small outbreak of red hair algae on some substrate and it even ate that all up..hair algae, all gone...substrate, cleans piece by piece...2 words, bad ass.