undulate triggers


I think that there are 3 groups of trigger
Passive (for triggers): Blue Jaw, Pink Tail, and Niger
Aggressive: Queen, Undulate, Blue Line, and Clown
All others are moderately aggressive. Of course, occasionally there will be execeptions. Also, put any type of trigger in last.


i think i have an exception to the rule though! i have a niger trig that picks on all of his tankmates, including my clown trigger whos bigger than him!
i wouldnt suggest an undulate to cycle the tank because it will kill anything and everything introduced after it. Triggers are very very hardy fish and very very territorial. they are also very active, colorful, and smart. my undulate only went potty right by the intake of the filter. i thought it was an accident the first time but he did it all the time.

grouper 42

Triggers and the notion of "taming" them remind me of the turtle and the scorpion fable. You know where the scorpion asks the turtle for a ride across a river but the turtle is afraid that the scorpion will sting him. The scorpion says he won't because then the both of them would die. The turtle agrees and midway across the river the scorpion stings the turtle anyway. When the turtle asks the scorpion why he did it becuase they were both now going to die the scorpion states that "it is just in his nature". I think triggers, particularly undulates, are just mean by nature. Like it or not. Not every ocean going fish is made to have in a home aquarium.


Very well said. Some fish just aren't meant to live in a home aquarium. And no matter what a trigger or any fish is still a wild animal with instincts.


New Member
i had one for about 8 months in a 30 gal with a groupper and a wolf eel he ran the eel out the tank while i was gone :mad: to work one day but got along fine with the groupper until i got rid of bouth of them


New Member
I was planning on getting a Humu Humu triggerfish to go in with my Dwarf Lionfish(future) but after much research decided I have to leave the trigger out due to their aggressiveness. Don't want to risk the lionfish's life. (I have waited many years to get one of these fish) BTW I know very little about triggers other than how beautiful they are and how mean. I saw a moray eel about 2' long torn apart by a clown trigger. No Thanks! :eek:


Pinktails are also very mild (for a trigger) but do get a bit bigger, rarely do they get bigger that 12in. Also what size tank is this your talking about?


I have had mine now for about 2 months. I haven't seen too many good posts on them, Mine stays to himself stays in the rocks mostly and at feeding time he finds a big silverside and takes it back to his cave. I think if you keep your fish well fed it lowers aggression. He is only 3 inches, compared to his tankmates he a midget but I keep a close eye on him all the time just waiting for the day or night he attacks.



I have undulate trigger currently. We used to have a niger trigger with some other fish and the niger got along well with the others we had and he was intriguing to watch, unfortunately when we moved the stress of moving the tank I believe was probably too much for him (although we did our best to take special care with the move). The undulate is beautiful to look at and has recently became more shy. He has also wiped out all previous fish (gobies, clowns, and foxfish). So far my hermit crabs and turbo snails are holding their own. We have a 55 gal. my husband likes the undulate. Is it possible to put it with a maroon clown, a puffer fish, and / or any gobies? Have you had any luck / experience doing this? I would also love to get a lawnmower blenny (used to have one and loved it) but, again, don't want to be the afternoon snack of the undulate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mathwhiz
I have undulate trigger currently. We used to have a niger trigger with some other fish and the niger got along well with the others we had and he was intriguing to watch, unfortunately when we moved the stress of moving the tank I believe was probably too much for him (although we did our best to take special care with the move). The undulate is beautiful to look at and has recently became more shy. He has also wiped out all previous fish (gobies, clowns, and foxfish). So far my hermit crabs and turbo snails are holding their own. We have a 55 gal. my husband likes the undulate. Is it possible to put it with a maroon clown, a puffer fish, and / or any gobies? Have you had any luck / experience doing this? I would also love to get a lawnmower blenny (used to have one and loved it) but, again, don't want to be the afternoon snack of the undulate.
If he has already killed fish, he is likely to kill any additional fish added....An Undy in a 55 is going to feel cramped, he will certainly not tolerate any other fish in a space that small.