Unexplained shrimp death

I purchased a Scarlet cleaner, and a blood shrimp about 3 weeks ago. I lost both of them within 3 days of eachother, First the cleaner, then the blood. Here's my H2O parameters:
Temp: 80
SG: 1.024
PH: 8.3
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 0
PO4: 0
CA: 420
ALk: 11dkh
All other iverts are thriving, so copper can't be the issue, plus I tested my source water for Cu and it was not present! Both shrimp were spot fed every other day and they both ate like pigs! It was a big shock to see them kill over.
Any insight would be appreciated, I don't want to replace them until I get to the bottom of this!

bang guy

The water params listed look great.
What additives are you using? Is it possible you overdosed Iodine? Have you had your hydrometer tested for accuracy?
I have 2 hydrometers, both test 1.024
My only additives are Turbo calcium(small amount)+ superbuffer , once a week in my topoff water(RO) and reccomended dose of Essential Elements once every 10 days. Never used iodine or anything other than mentioned.

bang guy

I'm sorry but I have no answer for you. I don't believe any of you other tank mates could do it so I'm at a loss.


I have had shrimp do the same thing in the past and the best scenario i could come up with was that they were just either not compatible or sick. i.e. they were bad from the source:D


What was the salinity of the LFS they came from. You really need to acclimate shrimp for a long time. If not, shock can kill them. I've had it happen several days later. They eat, but never really recover.


Active Member
yeah, improper acclimation of inverts is probably the single biggest cause for their losses...very slow, very lengthy acclimations are almost always required!
good luck
The LFS salinity in their invert tanks was 1.023~1.024
They were acclimated for almost 2 hours, and never showed any signs of stress. Maybe I'll try a longer period when I replace them.