Unidentified Angelfish. Help


Active Member
well my lfs isnt so smart.
he said he got a shipment in and didnt know wut it was. hes new to sw. and said he'd give it to me for 15 bucks. and i got it :D
just want to know wut it is.


Originally Posted by NudiLove
Im going to say Annularis
I second that.. def. not an imperetor. Could be a majestic... but the markings with the yellow tail looks like an annularis... although the majestic does have a yellow tail as juvi too... but the overall shape seems to be like the annularis. I would go with that
and no matter what the fish is... 15 bucks is a steal!


Active Member
ok its very dark blue, not all the lines are horizontal. some are curved and such and the tail is bright yellow.
this looks to me like 4 fish mixed lol


i think its a juvenile blue faced angel but if we dont find out by guessing tell us when it changes


Originally Posted by jam marine
koran angel
A juvi Koran with a bright yellow tail? Never seen one with that.... hard to believe
But like surfin said.... we'll find out when it matures.


JOEY. What store? does he have anymore?? i was looking for a emperor but thats a pretty fish, if i can get one around that price ill jump all over it. Let me know what store and city. Thanks!!!
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
I'm pretty sure that it's a blue ring angelfish .. look it up on the internet and you'll see that when the angelfish is facing the right, the back white line is shaped like a "C" .. in a Koran Angelfish . the "C" on the back line is backwards ... I think that's correct