Originally Posted by
emperor i agree with last statement, BUT it might help if you explain why he should take it out. If i read that i wouldnt pay it any mind...IMO...
You're right, and thanks for the suggestion...bad habit.
This is really the problem with impulse buying. OH WOW! Thats cool! And home it comes..the neon tetras into the african cichlid tank. I did it. I was 4. But, I did it. Large Angels are very delicate. They require pristine water, and first off, the water quality in a 29 gallon can deteriorate very quickly. Secondly, the get large, anywhere from 8" to 24". Yep, HUGE. That blueface of yours will get to about 15". It really needs upwards of 180 gallons. And, I have talked to you before, and you are a beginning aquarist. (please take no offense, we all are at one point) Large Angels are just, simply put, not for beginners. They require specialized feeding (sponge, algae, etc), a large tank, and a lot of patience. They are also not reef safe in most cases, IMO. At least not the blueface. Overall, just not a good choice for this aquarium. Might I recommend a nice dwarf angel? (e.g. lemonpeel, flame, coral beauty; if ya got the bucks: golden, interruptus, hotumatua) JMO