Unidentified Angelfish. Help


Originally Posted by Zanski
JOEY. What store? does he have anymore?? i was looking for a emperor but thats a pretty fish, if i can get one around that price ill jump all over it. Let me know what store and city. Thanks!!!
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish



Active Member
if you ever figure out what it is for sure .. after it matures some .. send me a pic and let me know ...


triga i went to joey's website and he lies in warner robbins... Im guessing like macon area store?! but i live in woodstock (5 minutes nort of atlanta) and that would be quite a drive for a fish lol. hope you live closer lol.


Active Member
That is a Blue Face Angelfish (Euxiphipops Xanthometapon). This can be identified by the yellow caudal fin. Hope this helps. And BTW, it is DEFINETLY not a Koran, Annularis, or EMPEROR!! WHOEVER SAID THAT! :mad: Nah, I'm just givin ya'll a hard time. Its what I do best. There is a slight chance it could be a Majestic Angel (Euxiphipops Navarchus), but it is unlikely, and resembles more of a Blue Face..and, well, angels are my thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zanski
Emperor11....Doesnt look like that to me...

Its not gonna, the one Joey has is a juvenile, and the adult is completely different. They're ALL like that. You just see the Emperor Angel in its juvi form more often, so people tend to think thats what it is. I just did some double checking myself and I am 99.9% sure that it is indeed a Blueface. Thats about as sure as the collectors and suppliers are..you can never be TOTALLY positive without DNA.


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
i think its a juvenile blue faced angel but if we dont find out by guessing tell us when it changes

This is a valid point, but unless Joey is planning on buying a MUCH larger tank than what he currently has. It WILL die. I can guarantee it. He won't see it change to maturity, because he will either have to trade it in at the LFS, or it will die. As said, he does have the option of purchasing a larger tank..but, ya know. And, I hope your excuse isn't that you'll put it in your mom's 125. I can tell you for a fact that two angels of the same genus from the same ocean will not get along. You know my guidelines on mixing angels:
1.HUGE tank
2.different species (pomacanthus, holacanthus, apolemichthys, chaetodontoplus, euxiphipops)
3.different oceans (indian,pacific,atlantic,etc)
PS-I'm really not trying to be a jerk, but there is nothing more in this hobby that drives me more nuts that IMPULSE BUYING.


emperor i agree with last statement, BUT it might help if you explain why he should take it out. If i read that i wouldnt pay it any mind...IMO...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zanski
emperor i agree with last statement, BUT it might help if you explain why he should take it out. If i read that i wouldnt pay it any mind...IMO...

You're right, and thanks for the suggestion...bad habit.
This is really the problem with impulse buying. OH WOW! Thats cool! And home it comes..the neon tetras into the african cichlid tank. I did it. I was 4. But, I did it. Large Angels are very delicate. They require pristine water, and first off, the water quality in a 29 gallon can deteriorate very quickly. Secondly, the get large, anywhere from 8" to 24". Yep, HUGE. That blueface of yours will get to about 15". It really needs upwards of 180 gallons. And, I have talked to you before, and you are a beginning aquarist. (please take no offense, we all are at one point) Large Angels are just, simply put, not for beginners. They require specialized feeding (sponge, algae, etc), a large tank, and a lot of patience. They are also not reef safe in most cases, IMO. At least not the blueface. Overall, just not a good choice for this aquarium. Might I recommend a nice dwarf angel? (e.g. lemonpeel, flame, coral beauty; if ya got the bucks: golden, interruptus, hotumatua) JMO


Active Member
IMO, that fish is a crossbreed, cant say between what species but the markings are to disturbed from any thing I have seen....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
IMO, that fish is a crossbreed, cant say between what species but the markings are to disturbed from any thing I have seen....
That doesn't make it a crossbreed by any means. Some angels just have really, really wild patterns. It happens from time to time. Heck, I've seen vagabond butterflies with a normal pattern on one side, and figure 8's on the other!


Pomacanthus chrysurus or ear-spot angelfish. anyone thought about this one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
Pomacanthus chrysurus or ear-spot angelfish. anyone thought about this one?
I thought about it, but they're from a fairly remote location, and I think its unlikely that it would be imported without knowing what it is. Plus, that take a REAL close look at the tail shape. Its just a WEE bit different. And, the blueface's tail is SLIGHTLY transparent, just a little, but that one is solid.