Unidentified Angelfish. Help


Active Member
Originally Posted by JJJoey
i bought it for 15 dollars.
I'd say ship him my way, he could go in a 75 for a while, and I know somebody who wants a large blueface that will go into a 540 gallon. BUT, you know my family situation, Joey, and soon, I will have to downgrade the SW to a 20, and upgrade the FW to the 75, and store the 55. Upkeep(cost of salt and chemicals) with the SW is too much for me right now, with whats happenin.'


New Member
I cannot seem to get back to the thread post that had this heading. Is this eel for sale? Can you please let me know. Blokey@verizon.net or Brendalokey7@aol.com I also have an unidentified fish I took a photo of diving in Hawaii none of the local people knew what it was I sent a photo to National Geo and same thing. The picture is really bad though it is not colorful at all sort of grayish looking with a continual dorsel fin and had moth type antennas the mouth was on the bottom and body got thinner near the tail end, looked slimy like a catfish skin not scales ANY IDEAS?


Active Member
Zanski... What place do you think has the best prices on fish out of any place you have been to?


Active Member
I think everyone has mentioned every Angel there is except the one that it is.
After playing with the pics. I beleive its a P. asfur.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I think everyone has mentioned every Angel there is except the one that it is.
After playing with the pics. I beleive its a P. asfur.
A. Asfur does not have the general blue and white pattern. P. Maculosus, does however, and could very well be that!


Active Member
That last pic I posted is an asfur, what do you mean it does not have a blue and white pattern ???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
That last pic I posted is an asfur, what do you mean it does not have a blue and white pattern ???
The two are commonly mislabled. Arusetta Asfur does not change. At least not like that...it does not start out blue and white. Pomacanthus Maculosus does, however, and looks very similar to an Asfur. I noticed you said P. Asfur..this means it was mislabled, and should be P. Maculosus.


Active Member
Hmm...interesting. I just did some research of my own, because I was very curious, after you made your comment. I once saw a "juvenile asfur angel" at my LFS, and it obviously wasnt a maculosus, but looks like it wasn't an asfur either. It HAD to either have been a crossbreed, or an unidentified species. Its strange though, all the information you read on the asfurs, say that they don't change. At least everything I've read, and angels are my thing...I'm not wrong on angels real often.
That is definetly another possibility for what Joey's angel could be. In fact, thats probably what it is. Its a good thing we have you here, Dogstar!


Active Member
May be YOU are confusing H. passer with the P. asfur.....
P. xanthometopon ( BF ) and P. maculosus ( YB) both do not have yellow tails as juvies. The asfur does....First pic is another asfur, the last pic is a Blueface
I cant find a genus for Arusetta at fishbase or anywhere !!



Active Member
I was was researching and typeing when you made that post befor mine. sorry, P. asfurs do change to the dark blue and big yellow bar with a yellow tail. I quess were talking about the same fish now....


Active Member
Yep..and by the way, the scientific name came from Nick Dakin's newest book. My brother in law owns it, and its got a hardcover and its red. Its like the saltwater encylopedia or something.


Active Member
OK, i found something saying its a subgenus so its the Pomacanthus Arusetta asfur. Got love those scientist....


Active Member
dude its got a white thing on its top liek that one in the picture i thoguht it was just fading


Active Member
JJJ, Thats the start of the big yellow bar comeing in, you know what they look like as adults ???


Active Member
Originally Posted by JJJoey
i got em for 15 dollars...
i coudltn keep that in 55 can i hahahah
People may disagree here, but all the information I've found says they only get 6". That would work, IMO.