Unkown Oraganism in tank!


I was looking around at my tank today and I thought it had a tiny crack on the inside. But upon closer inspection the "crack" was actually alive. The thing is all white. there are nine evenly spaced apendages and at the end of them are several small hair like things. The 9 apendages are connected to a clear central disk. I the central disk but not in the center is a white dot (the dot is connected to the edge of the clear disk and is small). The whole thing is less than a 1/8 of an inch. What is this thing?


Active Member
does it look like this?- if so it is a hydroid jelly- not really a big deal- unleyy they cover all of your rocks and sting your corals- but that isnt a common occurance


Ya that looks like him. What eats them and how fast do they breed? Also should I get rid of them will they harm anything besides coral?

bang guy


Originally posted by HermitKrab
there are nine evenly spaced apendages and at the end of them are several small hair like things. The 9 apendages are connected to a clear central disk.

If there actually are 10 then I'd guess it's a sessile Cucumber. There are a few species that live in rock and filter feed. Watch it carefully and see if it slowly brings an appendage into its mouth and pulls it back out.
If there are 8 appendages then I would guess a Hydroid or Ctenophore.


Bang how do you get so smart?!

oh, kickster and is that aragalive?


Active Member
im not sure- i found that pic on this site from an older thread- but as far as aragalive- im not sure- there are a lot of sands that look like that that are sold dry