Uno mas

driver 8

New Member
Every morning when I gaze (very therapeutic), I mean look, at my tank I notice what seems to be small sand pyramids, actually more like mounds all over my sand bed. I have about 5 nass. snails which I first thought were the culprits, but they seem to only burrow in certain areas in which the mounds never appear. What do you think could be causing these? Habitats include 2 clowns, the aforementioned nass. snails, 5 astreas, 4 ceriths a few hermits (learned too late of the rep of these criminals). Ill try to get some pics in the next few days but was hoping someone could enlighten in the meantime. Thx again

driver 8

New Member
Blue legged. They just seem to evict a snail from its home every so often ...
Not really concerned on the sand mounds but more curious than anything


it might be the clowns. mine like to take their tails and brush up the sand. it makes tiny little pyramids.

driver 8

New Member
I have plenty of extra shells for the blue legs, but they seem to prefer the meal/home combo. I keep saying I going to remove them, its just they been there from the start and they've grown on me, yet I hate them