Unusual Dottybacks/Pseudochromis


Active Member
So, enough of the standards - purple, bicolor, skunks....
Anyone kept some of the less common pseudochromis, like vampires? I saw one at the LFS the other day and it is mightily pretty, IMO. Anyone kept them, or flames, or some of the other "less common" and seemingly beefier members of this group?? How about aggression with other tankmates?
Thanks! :jumping:


wow, i had no idea this guy, Flavivertex Pseudochromis, is going for $50 commonly. i picked him up at my local pet store for $25 about 6 months ago. at first he was aggressive to my fairy wrasse, but after about 3 days everyone found their spot, and he's been great since. i don't know if it's common, but mine burrowed a spot out under an arch in my rocks all the way to the glass and that's where he sits.


I am currently keeping a Flavivertex Pseudochromis (Sunrise Dottyback). He has been a fairly peaceful fish. Shows some aggression once in a while, but there are two firefish in with him and after the intial establishing of territory he has left them alone. I just wish he swam out in the open a little more. Tends to stick to the rocks. Overall a good fish though.
I saw this guy at one LFS 3 weeks ago and they did not know what he was. I wasn't sure if he was a basslet, wrasse or what. They wanted $20 for him.
I went back a week later after I was sure he was a dottyback but could not ID him from memory. Since I was buying blind I asked if they would sell him for $15....and I got him for that. He was a bugger to get out as he was in that tank for 2+ months and was an expert at hiding!!
So now he is the 'puppy' in my DT...always doing the funniest things. I did not know how much he was worth till I brought him home and found out he was a Red Sea Sunrise Dottyback.
Glad I made the steal of a deal for him


I had a vampire. He was big, about 3 inches. Still the meanest SOB I have ever owned. I put a clown fairy wrasse in there one day, and that psuedo came out like shark and grabbed a hold of him and swam away. Literally took a chunk of meat out of him. Ended up trading him in
I have a strawberry and a skunk pseudo. Both of them stay in the rocks most of the time. I've seen some of the other pseudos but the more common ones are the best looking ones to me.