unwanted room mates!



Not my business here, but are you sure you wanna part with a video like that?? That might be worth more than a box of coons one day...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Not my business here, but are you sure you wanna part with a video like that?? That might be worth more than a box of coons one day...
ooh u have a point..............but i think i want the coons


Well, in 10 years when those coons are dead, your gonna wish you kept the tapes. Or maybe traded em for a turtle. They live 100 years.


Originally Posted by zman1

zman that is just uncalled for...... Now I have to make my own hat. by the way I never pictured you to be so fair skined. I thought you atleast had a tan. I would make a suggestion that you try tanning a little at a time tho.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Not my business here, but are you sure you wanna part with a video like that?? That might be worth more than a box of coons one day...

:hilarious :hilarious

especially when they can open locked trash cans and spread the entire contents ALL over the neighborhood.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reckler
I would make a suggestion that you try tanning a little at a time tho.

Will do...
Just don't get bit, I hear the rabies shot series aren't any fun, same for your kids if you have any.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Just don't get bit, I hear the rabies shot series aren't any fun, same for your kids if you have any.
IF they have the virus or w/e rabies is


no kids unless you want to consider all my pets I have. I thought of that too, but she is pretty tame. When I was putting the babies back up in the attic she was right there watching me. It is sike she was someones pet at one time. she was about 5 to 6 feet from me. I'm pretty boggled over this whole inscident. I am getting in the attic today sometime to check on them and take some more pictures. I have to work at the club today for awhile so it will be later tonight when I get up there.
Stay tuned to the same coon channel at the same coon time.

wow that kinda gives my age away!!!!!!


Active Member
That's if you can catch it after it has bitten or scratched.
"Diagnostics: No antemortem tests are sensitive enough to be considered reliable for diagnosis. Handling live suspect animals should be done cautiously using safety equipment such as rabies poles, cages, and heavy gloves. The animal should be euthanized humanely in a way that does not damage the animal’s brain. The head can be removed and the whole animal or head should be chilled until examined. The head should not be frozen as freezing causes tissue damage and may delay diagnosis."
"If a human is bitten by a raccoon (or any wildlife) the animal should be regarded as rabid. The raccoon should be humanely euthanized and the brain tested for rabies. If human exposure occurs, it should always be reported to the local or state health department. Bites or scratches should be thoroughly washed immediately. A bite to a human requires the initiation of post-exposure prophylaxis."


Active Member
Originally Posted by reckler
no kids unless you want to consider all my pets I have. I thought of that too, but she is pretty tame. When I was putting the babies back up in the attic she was right there watching me.
I wouldn't be messing with them. Wild animals (domestic animals as well) may attack without provocation especially nursing mothers...
"Animals potentially exposed to rabies by a raccoon or other wild animal not availablefor testing should be handled as an exposure. Unvaccinated domestic animals which are exposed should be euthanized immediately. If the owner is unwilling to do this, the animal should be placed in strict isolation for six months. The animal should be vaccinated one month before release. Animals that are current on rabies vaccinations should be revaccinated immediately and observed for 45 days."
Listen to the music



Originally Posted by zman1
I wouldn't be messing with them. Wild animals (domestic animals as well) may attack without provocation especially nursing mothers...
"Animals potentially exposed to rabies by a raccoon or other wild animal not availablefor testing should be handled as an exposure. Unvaccinated domestic animals which are exposed should be euthanized immediately. If the owner is unwilling to do this, the animal should be placed in strict isolation for six months. The animal should be vaccinated one month before release. Animals that are current on rabies vaccinations should be revaccinated immediately and observed for 45 days."
Well my wife says I am an animal.
I have been exposed to wild animals so I need to go into isolation for 6 months. darn! I was hoping for a 12 month isolation on a tropical island somewhere in alaska....... :hilarious
I am pretty carefull when it comes to wild animals. I have been a hunter for years and am well aware of the dangers. I thought it would be cool to try get a picture of a Ram and the herd close up one time. lol Until The ram charged at me. I missed the bunt, but my car I had at the time didn't. My friend got it all on video too. that was enough to make me not want to be a potographer.

thanks for the input tho.


Active Member
reckler said:
I thought it would be cool to try get a picture of a Ram and the herd close up one time. lol Until The ram charged at me. I missed the bunt, but my car I had at the time didn't. My friend got it all on video too. that was enough to make me not want to be a potographer.

thanks for the input tho.
do u HAVE a deathwish? sure seems it


Active Member
Originally Posted by reckler
I thought it would be cool to try get a picture of a Ram and the herd close up one time. lol Until The ram charged at me. I missed the bunt, but my car I had at the time didn't. My friend got it all on video too. that was enough to make me not want to be a potographer.

thanks for the input tho.

r u ok? u seem like u might have probs


You could train them to be forces of good. When ur Mad at ur neigbor cause he/she won't return ur lawnmower. U could have make a visit to their garbage can