Update: my shark egg


Most definately not in a 75, not even close. Double and still nope, not going to work for the life of a shark.

jimmy g

haha, i bet he wont post again because he is afraid of getting flamed at.
And yes, I want to see a pic!


ohh james soo funny..hey 22caddy why dont so settle a little bit there its just a question!


Active Member

Originally posted by slednecks
ohh james soo funny..hey 22caddy why dont so settle a little bit there its just a question!

I think Jimmy was responding to SMoney's claim to have pics of his nano tank w/ shark.


I no jim, he lives next door to me he told me what he was jus kidding..



Originally posted by 22CADDY
Anyone can post a pic, it doesn't mean it is really his. A search on any of the boards or google and you can have a pic. SMoney is a joke. I have read his posts many times and just laugh. I love where he forgot what ammonia, ph, nitrites, and nitrates levels should be. Here is that post. https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/show...ghlight=FORGOT
How can anyone with a shark, reef tank and whatnot not remember the levels for the most essential tests?

I could understand not knowing the PH level if u were new to this but to noy know that and Be Keeping a SHARK of all things that is just unacceptable. . I honest to god hope that shark bites his hand off. Then he might Get it a bigger tank or give it to someone who knows that You should have 0 ammonia