Update on Recent Troubles


My anthias, which I have been concerned about...( I texted my wife this morning from the station asking how he was! Lol ) seems to be eating. His color is good, fins look good and I watched him eat several mysis shrimp at dinner time tonight. I have seen him peeking around rock, watching us. I sort of think, he is just being weird. The only thing that has changed, it that I recently glued down several corals that had been in the tank for a week or more. He started acting weird right after that, also my protein skimmer has been running wet wet wet, most likely due to the epoxy..... Started running charcoal, did a water change and currently waiting it out, hoping that it settles down soon. I took it apart and cleaned it, but still running way to hyper to leave on. So the good news is that he is eating and looks better, just being a weirdo! Hopefully.

Chad C.

Glad to hear everything's working out with the anthias doing better. Ya I'd keep an eye on them to see, but the glue sounds like if anything it would be the culprit.


I used JB Weld putty and cyano gel. Extensive web searches led me to those two in concert to secure frags. Essentially it's aquamend putty.


I looked at four or five reef keeping forums... That's what was recommended and what they used. I may pull it out if I don't get an improvement.

bang guy

The putty is fine for gluing big things. Just keep in mind it doesn't really stick things together well. It works mechanically by locking things together.