Update Pics of my 54G Reef Tank


I had it up and running for about a year now and just installed an above tank Refugium about 2 weeks ago and fully converted over to reef. The fuge is amazing keeps all levels at 0PPM. I have a better skimmer coming in on Wednesday of next week because that cheap counter current one cannot keep up. I got a Prizm skimmer would should do a much better job.


Heres a picture of mine. This is before I put the SPS and Torch though, well before I put allot of stuff in. I am having major Hair Algae problems right now but I can maybe get a decent shot of it now.


Nice!! I like the blue color the LFS I got my setup from made it black.. I did not know I had an option. Oh well! Plus some of my space gets wasted because of the built in wet/dry.. I was not going reef in the begining so that is why it was made that way.


I see you have your tank near the window. Maybe the sun light is contributing to the algae blooms also want to check your phospate levels. D you have a Fuge?? The macro algae like Caulerpa will lower most of the unwated levels in your tank. It is sure working for me right now.


Heres what it looks like right now. I got some major work to do. I just added some Caulerpa last night so hopefully it will help.


HOLLLYYYYY S**T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats bad. You should think about getting a refugium I am telling you it works wonders. And put a darker blind on that window maybe wooden blinds so light won't creep in.