Update...Ranger in trouble


Active Member

Originally posted by Offshore80
your dealing with liberals and gun control freaks.

Actually the 2nd amendment is a very simple statement:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Meaning that gun control is - a state level. The Supreme court has agreed. So what you are dealing with is a state government which is trying to decrease it's death rate. The extraordinary zeal with which the DA is pursuing gun control is not that great if the airport folks offered to let you off in the first place. Sure he is still a zealot but the law is the law.
Personally I think more sensible gun control is needed. A federal system makes sense but is in direct contradiction of the 2nd amendment. :notsure: A federal registry maybe??
I'd follow scgator's advice about calling the local state's attorney general - though your court date has already passed.
Good luck either way!


IMHO, Trying to regulate death through gun control doesn't work. Most murderers committing those crimes have purchased their guns illegally off the streets and those guns were most likely stolen out of someone’s home or car. It’s like trying to outlaw cars because thousands of people die each year due to drunk drivers or irresponsible drivers. You can’t make the whole country pay for the acts of a few. I think that’s improper legislation.
We have one locality here in Virginia that I know of where you can’t carry a canceled weapon in, even with a permit and that is Chesapeake. Anywhere else your OK. Unless it’s private property and then it’s up to the owner of the establishment or serves alcohol. There are a lot of different state laws on the books concerning hand guns. So, before you carry into another state you better know the laws. Or you might end up paying big time. New York has one of the most aggressive zero tolerance hand gun laws in the nation. I hope it works out for you. But, I thinks it’s going to boil down as to not knowing the law doesn’t make you innocent. You can write Hillary Clinton maybe she can help.

bang guy


Originally posted by rangermonroe
I had the court date postponed until jan 19th

Please keep us updated.
I feel really bad and I'm ashamed to be living in a State that treats respected people so poorly.
My thoughts are with you.



Originally posted by TangMan99
We better hope George wins back some hearts and mind this term or she could possibly be our next president. :nervous:

she will not in anyway shape or form be our next president....
how bout an update


Active Member
when decleared, its perfectly legal. My dad travels with his all of the time. Especially when his competitions are out of state.


because its your right as an american citizen to bear arms... and you can transport a gun in that manner if done properly.


Active Member
PLUS, he was not concealing it, if you read his orginal post
"ranger in trouble", you would see that he did everything leagally. BUT the agents messed up......BIG time. They failed to tell him about the time limits in their state. Thus he is paying for it. WITH HIS PERFECTLY LEGAL gun. :mad:
Yeah, it was in checked, locked baggage. The only reason they knew it was there was because I declared it and asked for a "firearms declaration" to sign.


Active Member
:D oh you're lucky. i've never met a lawyer with a reputation. much less one who would write me saying they would "put it on the line"