updated 20 gallon pics


Active Member
nicky he can not trade them he is going to give them all to me. he told me that i can have them for free ( i hope he will ).


Kickster, you've got a great looking tank. IMO one of the best I've ever seen. Keep up the good work and keep on posting pictures.


Active Member
Thanks a lot guys- with my camera, the key is getting the lighting right, put it in macro mode- try not to zoom and make sure it is in 100% focus before taking the pic- nick- i have some purple ones too- i would like to start trading w/ people but my cash flow is very low these days-
here is a pic of some shrooms i picked up today- my tank needed a little more red- but i got them for 20$ they are more of a fuscia (sp?)in real life


Active Member
Full Tank update- color edited slightly- this is almost exactly how it look in real life- except not quite as dark in some spots


Active Member
Kickster - you know about hte October 11th get together in the KC area?? You could score some sweet frags then!! Plus bring some for hte trade ...
where did you get those red shrooms?? Paradise has some nice red ones ... though I thought there were three or four on their rock ...