Updated 29 Biocube Pics


Active Member
Looks good. You shouldn't have a problem with that stock as long as you keep up on the maintainance like you have been. Just watch the clam, the lighting may not be enough but you doi have it up high so might do fine. Since you see the tank daily you will be able to know when something is going wrong. I have kept nanos for 15 years, the largest a 20gl and have never had a crash and always what most would consider overstocked. I just keep to a regular maintainance routine that is set by the individual tank. Determining what the tank needs in the way of upkeep will only come with time spent with the tank.
If it were my tank though I would cut down the coral feeding to once a week.
And you r watchman will be happier with a tiger pistol.
Originally Posted by Lysol
Why do you have a tang in a 2 foot tank? You know the sail fin tang gets up to a foot long.

DUH, maybe you should read the whole post before you start asking stupid questions, yes I do know the sailfin gets large, and yes I do have another aquarium for him to go in later.
Originally Posted by Flricordia
Looks good. You shouldn't have a problem with that stock as long as you keep up on the maintainance like you have been. Just watch the clam, the lighting may not be enough but you doi have it up high so might do fine. Since you see the tank daily you will be able to know when something is going wrong. I have kept nanos for 15 years, the largest a 20gl and have never had a crash and always what most would consider overstocked. I just keep to a regular maintainance routine that is set by the individual tank. Determining what the tank needs in the way of upkeep will only come with time spent with the tank.
If it were my tank though I would cut down the coral feeding to once a week.
And you r watchman will be happier with a tiger pistol.
Thanks, for the positive support. I keep a regular maintenance schedule and I am going to cut back on the coral feeding and also look into the pistol shrimp.


I dont think any one hear is overtly trying to be hostile to you............but on the other hand you must understand how many times a lot of us have seen very similar "I've done the impossible" attitudes fail.
Also, FWIW, even its temporary, the sailfin can just kind of up and die in a small tank; I've seen it a few times when I have moved and I put some of the larger species tangs into smaller holding tanks.


Active Member

Originally Posted by mfp1016
I dont think any one hear is overtly trying to be hostile to you............but on the other hand you must understand how many times a lot of us have seen very similar "I've done the impossible" attitudes fail.
Also, FWIW, even its temporary, the sailfin can just kind of up and die in a small tank; I've seen it a few times when I have moved and I put some of the larger species tangs into smaller holding tanks.
But they are not impossible tanks to keep. I have kept many, many nanos 20gl and smaller for many years. This year is actually the first time I have had a reef larger than a 20gl. The only time I ever had a tank crash was in OKC when I forst started reefs and was using tap and the weekend I did a water change the city backflushed the water system and what ever was in there killed everything within an hours time. Since then I have used RO/DI and as I said, had many reefs under the 29gl with lots of coral and fish and had no problems. Just because some have failed at keeping them doesn't mean all will fail.
With regular water changes, attention to tank parameters, compatable livestock
, there is no reason why a 29gl with what is in phils29bcinwa can't be kept. Though some of the LPS will quickly outgrow that tank and the sweepers will cause problems. Now if you are stating that the livestock that is in there at the moment may cause some problems, then I would have to agree. The flowerpot and torches and maybe even the clam eventually, but as far as keeping a heavily stocked 29 without it crashing, that is very possible. But it does require regular attention and even a couple of missed water changes can upset the delicate balance. nad that is what must be achieved with a nano more so than with a larger tank, a delicate balance. A didication to detail and a timely maintainance schedule with no interuptions.


Originally Posted by phils29bcinwa
The tang will be moving to my 55 gallon fish only tank in a few months, so that should lighten the load some.
Originally Posted by Lysol
Yes, and when he outgrows that one in the next day or two, he will go back to the LFS where I work.
Originally Posted by KAT74
I love, love, loooove your maroon!!~

Lookin' great!~

Thanks Kat, he was the first fish that I added to the tank, he has grown quite a bit already, I love him also, he has such a great attitude, he has made my plate coral home and he is peacefull to all the other fish unless he thinks they are trying to get in his home. He will then gently let them know that it is his home and they arent welcome. He was suppose to be a gold striped maroon, but I dont see much gold on him at all, either way he is so amazing.


Originally Posted by phils29bcinwa
Thanks Kat, he was the first fish that I added to the tank, he has grown quite a bit already, I love him also, he has such a great attitude, he has made my plate coral home and he is peacefull to all the other fish unless he thinks they are trying to get in his home. He will then gently let them know that it is his home and they arent welcome. He was suppose to be a gold striped maroon, but I dont see much gold on him at all, either way he is so amazing.
Well, he's definately a beauty!
I've never seen one that looks like that. I am a sucker for the different looking ones... misbars,

, picasso...

In fact, before I got my misbar perc pair, I was looking for a misbar maroon, but never found one.
Now, I am about to get a pair of picasso's, so I have to find a good home for my misbar pair.
Hi everyone,
The tank is still looking and doing great, I added another colony of zoos, they are green with really orange centers, I will post some pics soon. Does anyone know why the pics wont open now. Talk to you all later. Thanks
Hi everyone,
Yesterday I added a Target Mandarin to my tank, I will try and get a few pics later today. The tank is doing great and is finished now, I am going to start working harder on my fish only w/ live rock tank now. It is a 55 gallon and so far there is 30 pounds of live rock, 40 pounds of live sand, Red Voilitan Lionfish, and a Snowflake moray eel. I will post some pics later.