Updates on new SW tank


New Member
I will, it doesn't open for a half hour but I might not get their till around noon but I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks!


I'm so sorry that I've been away from the boards, but have had a lot of things at home, work, church, etc, that have taken up way too much time.
But I still have the 40 gallon tank going well. I'll try and get some pictures up soon for you to see how it's progressed.
We now have a perc clown, and a long tentacle anemone for him to play with.
We lost one of our peppermint shrimp, haven't replaced him as of yet.
Just wanted to check back in and apologize for being away for so long.


WOW...doesn't take long to get a thread moved a few pages away anymore...hehe.
It's great to see all the people that are contributing to the forum.


You're right about that, Woody! I'll try to post a picture in the next day or two. I have some new corals and broke down and got a lawnmower blenny to fight algae. He's gonna get too big for the tank, I fear, and he certainly knocks things around -- but he does the job!


Originally Posted by JacknJill
hows that sump / fuge coming along?
Actually it's not right now. I took a back seat on any new builds until I get the tank stand/shelf/area built for the tank. Once I get that under way and finished, then I'll address the sump/fuge issue again.
Bad thing last night.....I was awakened to a terrible sound from the tank...sounded like one of the powerheads intake was blocked. Sure enough it was....by the ANEMONE!!!!!!!!!!
I pulled him from the p/h and put him back on the tank floor.....this morning he looked like he was hurt a bit, but I think he's going to survive the trauma.


Ok, the anemone (Spike), seems to be doing ok. Overnight he moved to the far right side of the tank...guess he wanted to get away from the powerhead..hehe.
He has some damaged tentacles, but I'm hoping they'll either heal ok, or he'll grow some more possibly??


Ok, everything is up in the air right now......the Mrs. and I are contemplating converting our 55 gallon fresh tank to a salt tank.......will update when the final decision is made!!!!


He, he...I haven't even got my 45 up and running yet and I was eyeing that 175 reef from Oceanic at the fish store today. I got it bad man :D


I know the feeling. I saw a 75 gallon tank with everything included last night. Had the drilled tank, sump, lights, overflow built in the main tank, a good stand...and nicely priced.


lol yeah I know, my 70 gallon is doing great now too, and I have been looking at a 150g tank... rofl... addicting.. :D


Thanks for ll the info..Woddy is that pig that supposed to be the mustang logo? :confused:


Originally Posted by T3D
Thanks for ll the info..Woddy is that pig that supposed to be the mustang logo? :confused:
Nope..it's a Razorback. As in University of Arkansas Razorbacks!!!!!


OK, after consideration, talk, discussion, suggestions, and flipping a coin, we're going to transfer our 40 gallon tank to a 55 gallon tank.
I'm a little puzzled though.....can I use the same water, or should I make up some brand new salt water to fill the 55 tank with. I'm worried if I use all brand new water, that will kick off a cycle that I don't want.
I'll test all parameters tonight and see how the current water is...then possibly use a majority of it and add maybe 10 gallons or so of new water, kind of like a big water change.


Im no expert, but i doubt if there will be a problem using the same water. Why go through all of the work transferring to a new tank for only 15 gallons?


Originally Posted by T3D
Im no expert, but i doubt if there will be a problem using the same water. Why go through all of the work transferring to a new tank for only 15 gallons?

Well, a couple reasons:
Financial: Our ultimate goal is to get a tank that is 175-225; reef ready, i.e. drilled.
we cannot afford that kind of expense right now.
We want to turn the 40 gal tank into a black substrate planted freshwater tank.
So we thought even at just 15 more gallons, that would give us a little more water flow; and a little more foot print to work with.


Wow Woody, what kind of time frame are you looking at for the 175 reef? I think I would have a hard time moving into a 55 from a 40 if I didn't already own the 55.
Just my thoughts,


Originally Posted by Bacffin
Wow Woody, what kind of time frame are you looking at for the 175 reef? I think I would have a hard time moving into a 55 from a 40 if I didn't already own the 55.
Just my thoughts,

Thank you Bruce. We DO own the 55; It was a gift from some friends who didn't want to mess with fish any longer.
We're hoping to be able to setup and build a 175 or larger tank by the early part of 2007...if things go as planned.
We just want to have what little more space a 55 will give us to better work on our marine husbandry...lol


Ok, got everything moved over Saturday night and Sunday afternoon...it wasn't too much of a hassle, just paying close attention and taking our time getting things moved over.