

i was about to order a mushroom polyp green ricordea from and they dont tell you about all the extra charges they hide until you are ready to check out

guess i will have to see if i can find one at the lfs around here now


try to add something to the cart the go to check out, there is a $10 processing fee and $8 fuel charge no matter what you try to buy


Active Member
It says right across the top of the fish, invert, or coral page that their is a 9.99 surcharge on all orders.


Active Member
it is still cheaper than most places online. Some places charge $40-50 overnight delivery. And it doesnt take alot to meet then minimum. Ricordea polyps around here are $20 each so it is still a good deal. And , I have ordered the rics off of here, they are pretty nice..


Active Member
Originally Posted by joncat24
it is still cheaper than most places online. Some places charge $40-50 overnight delivery. And it doesnt take alot to meet then minimum. Ricordea polyps around here are $20 each so it is still a good deal. And , I have ordered the rics off of here, they are pretty nice..

They are nice, and the cheapest shipping I've found anywhere else was 29.99.


Active Member
Well I understand aceheart's frustration.....They flash in big letters FREE SHIPPING. And you can call it what you want, it will still cost $17.98 for you to get your order......
They should say SHIPPING ONLY $ 17.98
EDITED, I earlier posted the wrong total amount and now have changed it.


i really do not mind the $10 processing, but the extra fuel charge and minimum order of $79 when all i want is something that costs $8......
seems like a rip off to me honestly, drop the fuel charge and the minimum order amount. jeez like everyone has a ton of cash to blow every single time they want 1 little thing lol


Active Member
me too i would have spent over 100 bucks on here... not at the same time but i cant because the minimum fee. o well support the LFS


I would have to agree on that, I would order more often if they didn't have a $79. min. I do understand where they are coming from. The first time I ordered fish from them I bought a fish that I really didn't want just to get to the 79. Plus you really should only add 1 fish a month to show tank.....I had to get 3, but out of those 3, 2 did die so only ended up with one anyway. I would have to say that 1 was bi color angle, I guess theyare hard to get to live anyway.


Originally Posted by aceheart
i was about to order a mushroom polyp green ricordea from and they dont tell you about all the extra charges they hide until you are ready to check out

guess i will have to see if i can find one at the lfs around here now

There isn't any way you will find consistently cheaper prices and better quality at one place. Trust me!
HAHA...but if ya do let me know where it is!!!


im looking around, found a couple of decent websites and 1 that seems to be competative towards SWF lol with no hidden costs lol.
all i ask is to abolish the minimum order amount and i bet they would get 3x as many buyers


Active Member
I understand and thats one reason why I havent bought yet. However, they cant sell you anything thats live like say a crab for 3.45 and ship it to you AND garauntee it for 10.00. The fuel charge does seem to me to be screwy. But they still couldn't ship a live item that sells for 3.45 or so for 18.00. They could drop the gas charge though and then I'd buy. I doesnt take long at all to get 79.99 bucks added up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by aceheart
im looking around, found a couple of decent websites and 1 that seems to be competative towards SWF lol with no hidden costs lol.
all i ask is to abolish the minimum order amount and i bet they would get 3x as many buyers
I can look into my magic crystal ball and what do I SEE?? I see a MYSTERIOUS THREAD DELETE in the VERY NEAR future! LOL


If SWF is reading this and I hope they are, I would like the option of placing an order less that $79 and have them charge me for shipping. However they may have reasons for not doing so. I'd be interested in what they are.
I would be disappointed if they deleted this thread as it is not derogatory in anyway. Surely they can take some constructive criticism.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
I can look into my magic crystal ball and what do I SEE?? I see a MYSTERIOUS THREAD DELETE in the VERY NEAR future! LOL



Active Member

Originally Posted by Dogstar
Well I understand aceheart's
frustration.....They flash in big letters FREE SHIPPING
. And you can call it what you want, it will still cost $29.99 for you to get your order......
They should say SHIPPING ONLY $ 29.99

The 9.99 processing fee and 7.99 fuel charge actually comes to 17.99


Originally Posted by alyssia
The 9.99 processing fee and 7.99 fuel charge actually comes to 17.99