

It's the 79.00 minimum that gets me as well. I'm not going to buy stuff I don't need just for the sake of getting me up to the minimum. Especially when I can support the many LFS down here for a much better price.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TuggLife2
It's the 79.00 minimum that gets me as well. I'm not going to buy stuff I don't need just for the sake of getting me up to the minimum. Especially when I can support the many LFS down here for a much better price.
Some of the things are more, others are much less, But the minimum, Shipping and not wanting to put the POOR fish through another 24hrs in bags to be shipped here bothers me and then possibly doe soon after or not make it.


its not really free shipping when you have to pay $10 for processing and then another $8 for gas charges now is it?


New Member
Originally Posted by riafekim
If SWF is reading this and I hope they are, I would like the option of placing an order less that $79 and have them charge me for shipping. However they may have reasons for not doing so. I'd be interested in what they are.
I would be disappointed if they deleted this thread as it is not derogatory in anyway. Surely they can take some constructive criticism.
I can appreciate their minimum order policy. That's just business. They feel the minimum amount set is what is needed to offer free shipping. Maybe if they offered non-free shipping for orders under the $79 -- that sounds logical.
As for the 'processing fee' and 'fuel charge' -- that's BS. They're just taking advantage of the common "lower prices but break out fee's" as does the phone company, cable, and many other merchants. That technique is right up there with selling products for $9.99 or $3.99. In the minds of many buyers, they're getting it for $9 and $3 respectivly. Back-alley'ish to me.


Originally Posted by lickity40
I can appreciate their minimum order policy. That's just business. They feel the minimum amount set is what is needed to offer free shipping. Maybe if they offered non-free shipping for orders under the $79 -- that sounds logical.
As for the 'processing fee' and 'fuel charge' -- that's BS. They're just taking advantage of the common "lower prices but break out fee's" as does the phone company, cable, and many other merchants. That technique is right up there with selling products for $9.99 or $3.99. In the minds of many buyers, they're getting it for $9 and $3 respectivly. Back-alley'ish to me.


Originally Posted by lickity40
I can appreciate their minimum order policy. That's just business. They feel the minimum amount set is what is needed to offer free shipping. Maybe if they offered non-free shipping for orders under the $79 -- that sounds logical.
As for the 'processing fee' and 'fuel charge' -- that's BS. They're just taking advantage of the common "lower prices but break out fee's" as does the phone company, cable, and many other merchants. That technique is right up there with selling products for $9.99 or $3.99. In the minds of many buyers, they're getting it for $9 and $3 respectivly. Back-alley'ish to me.
I really do not have an issue with the minimum order for free shipping I would just like to be given the option to order for less an pay a shipping charge. I ordered $100 worth of merchandise today as a matter of fact!
As far as the Processing Fee I doubt that it cost the business $9.99 to ship every order.
Ultimately if we don't like the Fees attached to the order we shouldn't purchase from this site. For me I have heard too many good things about the mechandise that I will pay the extra.


Oh I just thought of one more thing!
What about the message boards they provide for free. I have not found a single message board website that compares to this one! I know it does not cost a lot to keep this site up but there is costs to them. I am in the IT field so I know the costs associated to keeping a website up and running.
Also, how many of you have had a fish come back from certain death because of what you have read on this site? That in itself will make up for the little extra we pay for processing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by riafekim
Oh I just thought of one more thing!
What about the message boards they provide for free. I have not found a single message board website that compares to this one! I know it does not cost a lot to keep this site up but there is costs to them. I am in the IT field so I know the costs associated to keeping a website up and running.
Also, how many of you have had a fish come back from certain death because of what you have read on this site? That in itself will make up for the little extra we pay for processing.

Good point.


Active Member
Originally Posted by aceheart
i was about to order a mushroom polyp green ricordea from and they dont tell you about all the extra charges they hide until you are ready to check out

guess i will have to see if i can find one at the lfs around here now
I have a feeling that any coral you order from this site will be, $ for $, a better deal than any LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
I have a feeling that any coral you order from this site will be, $ for $, a better deal than any LFS.

That has been my experience.


IMO the times i have ordered from here every bit of livestock i have gotten has been great quality and everything is still alive. And it seems they have alot more to offer then some of my LFS. The extra cost doesnt bother ive paid out more for less from other places or ppl. But here in the past few months which does bother me is they havent gotten a large amount of restock in, as in wether its the fish,corals, or inverts half or more of the list is sold out. Just my 2cents worth.


Active Member
first off, the message board comment was great. This board, and the information provided, has saved me countless dollars and time and heartache and frustration...
Second, come on guys, $79 for a minimum order isn't all that absurd for this hobby. Can you imagine the headache if they didn't charge it? "Ya, I'd like to order 2 hermit crabs please..." That would kill their business.
The minimum order prevents a couple of things: 1. Silly orders that would lose them money. 2. Arguing over shipping (you'd soon have people saying "but I just ordered a few snails so why do I have to have them shipped overnight?") 3. Guarrantee (which you won't find at any LFS) doesn't lose them money.
They know their business. If they have a $79 cut off it's because they have crunched the numbers and figured out that $79 is the lowest they can average and still make money.
Take into account that the product you get here is in great shape, is cheap, and is delivered to your door.