Urgent Help with 2 tangs please.


I need help please. I did a water top off today and added some salt to the water.... I dont know what the hell happened but it raised the salt level in the tank to 1.029 I noticed the second the fish started to have like... White spots or something all over them... I dropped the salt level back down to 1.025 and it has been like that a couple hours.... The yellow tang is intentionally putting himself in front of the power head.. I tried to take the best pictures possible. Please tell me whats going on or what I can do to fix it.



Did you just pour salt on the fish???? Was it mixed? You never add salt to top off water....Did they have any spots at all before?


No I added the salt to top off water, It was mixed before I poured it in. No, They did not have any visible spots or problems before that.


I added the salt to the top off water to raise the salt level, I just didnt want to raise it as much as I did.


Please help, The white spots are even on their eyes......
Should I dip them? Do you think its salt??

small triggers

Active Member
it could be salt burn if it wasnt totally disolved. If you are even in need of raising the salinity, just do it one cup at a time when you do a top off, make sure to mix it for aleast 8 hours and warm it so it dissolves fully, then pour it in the sump or another chamber if possible.


I'd say your fish got stressed from the urgent jump in salinity and became infected with ich
..thats what it looks like to me


Originally Posted by nolson
Please help, The white spots are even on their eyes......
Should I dip them? Do you think its salt??
I'm not sure...first thought was from the salt....maybe you should post your pic in the disease section....I think you may get your best response there


Would ich be in their eyes?? Should I try giving them a freshwater dip or just leave them be? The way they look right now id say they wont make it if I just leave them.

small triggers

Active Member
truthfully, its just whatever you think you can do. adding some more oxygen into the tank, like with an aerator or more powerheads???


Originally Posted by nolson
Would ich be in their eyes?? Should I try giving them a freshwater dip or just leave them be? The way they look right now id say they wont make it if I just leave them.
YES, ich can get on all parts...go to the disease section.....look at the pics of ich...compare the pics to your fish.....and go from there.....


i think its a coincidence with the water, that fish looks like it's infected with ICH, and ICH just doesnt pop on like that, when you see it's already been feeding on the fish for a good while.


Alright, Thank you guys for the help so far there is an update.
The tangs still look just as bad but are still alive. The white spots came on instantly.
I woke up this morning to a dead clownfish. I pulled him out, He was covered in a clear gel, I took a couple pictures for you guys to look at. I had the exact same thing happen to a Pink Anthia the other day, No signs of white spots on either of these fish before they died.
Maybe a mod should move this to fish disease? Beth can you take a look at this please?



The Regal tang is dead, But he is not all slimy, He actually just lost color or something... Anyone have any ideas yet?



I would take all living things out and put them in a 30gallon bucket of clean fresh salt water until you figure it out. Maybe a pissed off room mate dumped something in the tank!? It looks like something is eating them up. Those white marks on the yellow are way too big to be ich. looks like they got burned by something.