URGENT - Yellow Tang Issue


Active Member
I did not add any copper. As I said before copper is truly the last resort... seeing as the tang and the clowns aren't ill with anything I think I'm going to start raising the SG level slowly. Faster than recommended, but I don't think I have any choice. At this point if I don't do anything the tang will die ultimatly.


Well-Known Member
Sorry buddy I'm thinking its too little to late for the little guy no matter what you do at this point. What you describe doesn't sound good. If it makes it another 24 house ill be suprised. But I wouldn't raise the s.g. that fast if you do try. Raise it like you would over the course of a couple days.


Active Member
I bumped it up to 1.013 from 1.009 SG. I'm going to have to agree with you by saying if he's alive by the time I get home from work tomorrow I'd be awfully surprised. I am bummed out, but the more I type on here the more he seems to be actively trying to swim a normal pace. However the base of his head is starting to look brown... I'm assuming that's some sort of signal showing that he's starting to lose it? :-/... bummer day today he was one of the fish my girlfriend and I looked forward to most when gettin home from the office.


Active Member
Tangs aren't known to pick up swimming habits of other fish are they? I do have two clowns in the tank and they do frequently swim vertically. Could it be possible he thinks he's a clown? Grasping at all straws right now.........

tangs rule

Active Member
"Freezing" or "rigid" fish are usually in osmotic shock, if this condition arises quickly, like within hours, it's usually due to changes in PH or SG too rapid. It's best to alter only 1 parameter at a time and slowly, as then if osmotic shock happens - you know pretty much what parameter caused it. The best way to releive this condition is to know which parameter is causing him to act "rigid" and reverse that parameter slightly - then wait and see if he recovers.
Sadly, osmotic shock is usually not something the fish will survive, as eventually the shock affects respiration, which slows to a stop. But in minor cases of it the fish can return to normal. Then decide on a slower change to his water parametes.


Active Member
I'm sorry. Don't really know what to say that would make things better. I know the loss of your fish(es) can really make one upset, I lost 6 within 2 weeks from hypo, They just couldn't handle it. I attempted everything and as you, I wanted to raise the salinity to try and save them all but it would have made it worse for them. So... ya I know the feeling very well, once again, so very sorry.


Originally Posted by Sparty059 http:///forum/thread/386004/urgent-yellow-tang-issue/20#post_3388806
the SG level being so low as someone mentioned before which has possibly caused some anal disease. The fish continues to have great color, but it doesn't seem like it's going to last. I'm tempted to just call hypo quits and fix the SG level over the next few HOURS rather than days with hopes it will resolve the attitude. What are the thoughts from everyone here?
I am truely sorry about your fish and do not mean to sound callous, but I just gotta ask....what exactly is anal disease??
I don't think the PH or salanity should ever be changed over an matter of hours, more like several days.


Active Member
I don't know exactly what it is. It's something like when the sg level is low it doesn't allow the water to move through the system properly which causes some anal disease or something. I don't know to be honest haha. It's what I have been told and what have read. I also agree with everyone regarding the sg level. I've added 5 gallons of 1.025 salt water which raised it from 1.009 to 1.012. I will end up bumping it up more tomorrow. Again hoping that the tang is still alive but will not be surprised if worse news comes...:-( still hoping for the best for the little guy... I feel like he didn't even get to experience a real salt water life since he has been in qt from day one :-(


Well-Known Member
Well in this case I'd be glad to eat my own words. Maybe he'll pull through. After the stuff that I've seen I'm kind of leaning towards the idea that if someone is purchasing a new fish that it might be best to let them acclimate in quarantine for a while before they start going into any kind of treatment regimen. Which leads me to believe that quarantine should be a fairly comfortable place for them for a while. I'm sure it's stressful enough after all of the moving around they've done. Keep us posted Sparty.


Active Member
Lights are currently off --- yellow tang is letting current take over --- doing back flips at the moment. Im going to call it. I just hope he isn't in pain :-(.
R.I.P. Big Bird


Active Member
hope for the best, but expect the worse. I agree with corey, I would LOVE to be wrong right now.


Active Member
Ok, I took work off today because I wasn't feeling 100% health wise and felt like I should at least take a look and see if there is anything I can do to salvage the tang. So I noticed he was nose down again into the base of the tank though. Fins moving, gills moving. Good news he's still alive. Bad news, when I pulled the fixtures away that were blockading him in he started to move his behind up and his nose directly to the ground then would start to go into a flipping motion. Still alive non the less. So I've decided I'm giong to try absolutely the last measure at this point and acclimate him to the DT. Since it's 1.024 SG I figured if I acclimate he might be able to pull through since he is still living. He has been acclimating for approx 30 minutes right now and should this work he will have a new home in the DT. However, I'm extremely... EXTREMELY doubtful since in the acclimation bucket he can't find a way to keep balance and continues to swim upside down. I know at this point I'm grasping for almost anything and the method of taking one from a 1.009 sg level to a 1.024 will produce some sort of shock, but I am just hoping that some how he pulls through and finds a way to live past the extreme SG level change...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sparty059 http:///forum/thread/386004/urgent-yellow-tang-issue/40#post_3388936
Ok, I took work off today because I wasn't feeling 100% health wise and felt like I should at least take a look and see if there is anything I can do to salvage the tang. So I noticed he was nose down again into the base of the tank though. Fins moving, gills moving. Good news he's still alive. Bad news, when I pulled the fixtures away that were blockading him in he started to move his behind up and his nose directly to the ground then would start to go into a flipping motion. Still alive non the less. So I've decided I'm giong to try absolutely the last measure at this point and acclimate him to the DT. Since it's 1.024 SG I figured if I acclimate he might be able to pull through since he is still living. He has been acclimating for approx 30 minutes right now and should this work he will have a new home in the DT. However, I'm extremely... EXTREMELY doubtful since in the acclimation bucket he can't find a way to keep balance and continues to swim upside down. I know at this point I'm grasping for almost anything and the method of taking one from a 1.009 sg level to a 1.024 will produce some sort of shock, but I am just hoping that some how he pulls through and finds a way to live past the extreme SG level change...

well........ yyou know if this works, your going to have to rename him to "miracle". Keeping fingers crossed for you and big bird


Active Member
haha, thanks. I'm doing EXTENSIVE research right now and found that if they're swimming upside down or on their side they might have some bowel syndrom where you can feed them peas and they'll be able to go to the bathroom again. I don't know if this is the situation, but I don't think my tang can even fit peas in his mouth?...


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a visit to the proctologist is in order here. You don't sound sick to me spartan, I'm calling your boss right now.


Active Member
The tang is officially in the refugium now. Unfortunately I was in a panic so I did a short acclimation (hour and a half about) so hopefully it'll do fine. Again, not holding my breath, but to see this guy pull through would indeed warrant a name change to miracle.


Active Member
hi, where did you see anything in your post about anal disease? I mentioned Renal disease which has to do with the kidneys.
Still rootin for ya both!!!!!!!