Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Maybe some of you can go over to the Middle East and try to make peace.Just tell them how much you hate America and you dont believe in the American way of life.I think you might?? be ok. Ill be happy to chip in to buy your plane ticket.Oh and dont forget to leave your cars ,the keys to your house,all your money and most importantly "Your Freedoms" at the Statue of Liberty on the way out.Good Luck
This is a very odd statement, but just so you know. I did go over to the Middle East, no necessarily to make peace but to do my job, I did noy tell them how much I hate America because, well guess what, I don't. I didn't need a plane ticket, I took a much longer more uncomfortable ride there so you can save you money, I did leave my vehicle, not cars since I only had one, and my home behind. As far as leaving them at the Statue of Liberty, I didn't get the luxury of stopping in New York, but I hope you don't mind that too much.
So although I wasn't going there to 'make peace', I had a job to do and it was in the best interest of my job to NOT STIR UP EXTRA HATRED of America. My job had several rules, much like any job does, although unlike most other jobs I did not have the luxury of going home at the end of the day. So the rules applied 24 hours a day until my job was done.
Having experienced many of these rules first hand I can confidently state that if this directive were true it would by far, make the most sense of any rule placed on the personal appearance of military personel.