Using Cubes to feed? How many & what size tank?


Just wondering how many cubes you all use to feed your tank?
I have a 37 and a 30 and I use 3 cubes for both. Slightly a little too much
2 diamond gobies, 2 clowns, 1 spotted goby, 1 blue gugeon, 1 anemone, 2 star fishes
other tank has 3 damsels and a maroon.
How much do you feed and what kind of fishies? ***)


Active Member
are you talking those little frozen cubes cause if you are i split one of those between three tanks.


Use a plastic cup, thaw three cubes in some tank water, spill or use a turkey baster to feed the fish, any left over put back in the fridge for later use.


Sweetdawn -- how big are your 3 tanks?
Thomas - I think I might have to do that. I was afraid I was overfeeding!! Water values seem to be good,
ANyone else feeds with the cube?


Active Member
My 75 gallon contains the following
One yellow tang; small
One maroon clown; small
One small six line wrasse
Two small pajama cardinals
Scooter Blenny
CBS shrimp
One brittle star and run of the mill cleanup crew
I feed a half cube frozen formula one one day.
Next day is nothing but a little bit of algae sheet mostly for tang. No other food that day.
Next day live food. Either brine or live black worms.
I usually just repeat that cycle or maybe even skip a day altogether here and there.
I would say you might be over feeding.


We use the frozen cubes & our fish LOVE that food over flake or pellet.
I use some tank water & melt the cube(s) in that, then just pour it in the tank...or use a turkey baster if I want to spot feed anyone.
I have a 100gal tank, with 2 Green Chromis, 2 Clown Gobys, 1 Psychadellic Dragonet, & 1 Foxface.
Also have 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 Coral Banded shrimp, 3 Camel Back shrimp (trying to trap them), 2 brittle stars, lots of hermits, snails, Emerald crabs, 1 Anemone Crab, 7 Porcelain Crabs...
So with all that in mind...
I feed 1 or 2 cubes of frozen in the morning (depending on who I'm feeding)
Then I'll feed some flake of some variety in the afternoon.


OMGsh --- I'm so glad I posted this, I'm ashamed to say that I've been feeding 3 cubes plus some zoecon or dry cyclopeeze pellots !!! Knock on wood, My tank is doing good. But I will slowly decrease this amount to like 1 -2 cubes and refrigerate the rest like Thomas Says!!
Thanks everyone for sharing the info. Anyone else, feel free to add!!
I went to Sam's club and bought a large pack of those cocktail cups -- really cheap. Its really saved me time on having to wash something!! He he..


Active Member
in my 29 gallon I have a pink skunk clownfish and a bengia cardinal they get one third of a cube cause they have brittlestars and hermit crabs and cleaner shrimp also in there. in my ten gallon a have a yellow clown gobie and a false perc also a brittle star, small lobster large decorator crab the peppermint shrimp and a cleaner shrimp. and the only two who eat it in my 55 gallon tank are my maroon clownfish and an angelfish


Active Member
210 Gallon
6 Green Chromis
2 Engineer Gobies (huge little beasts)
1 Falco Hawkfish
1 Twin spotted Wrasse
1 6 Line Wrasse
1 Tiger Jawfish
1 Huge Lawnmower Blenny
1 Flametail (?) Blenny
1 Small purple Tang
4 Emerald crabs
2 peppermint Shrimp
100 Ceriths
400 Nassarius
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Pistol Shrimp
20 gallon mostly Macro Algae Refugium
1 big, mean looking hitchiker crab
3 small crabs of unknown variety
25 Nass. snails
10 Ceriths
every day: I feed 4-5 cubes.. mixture of mysis, bloodworms, formula 1, formula 2, plankton, frozen rotifers. plus 4-5cut up pieces of deli market salmon, trout, shrimp or scallops. (all thawed in tank water, drained, then soaked in some tank water and Kent's Zoe Marine)
3 times (or so) a week mix in cyclopfreeze
couple of times a week Kent's liquid Garlic


Active Member
80g with 30g fuge, 13 fish, numerous snails & hermits, urchins, 1 queen conch, corals, 5 shrimps, sea stars, and other hitchhikers i cannot describe.
3 cubes daily. i make those cubes myself.
75g with two clowns, numerous snails & hermits, corals.
1 cube daily.
i overfeed on purpose on some days.


Active Member
Just wondering....What's the problem with a brittlestar in a 10g tank? They don't feed on LR. I had 3 in an 8g and 4 in a 15g for several years....the big issue is keeping the parameters stable enough (esp pH and specific gravity).
I admittedly overfeed my tank because I have loads of brittlestars and want to be sure my babies get fed. Nothing else is as much of a about 2 cubes daily in a 45g with 2 fish...but 11 brittlestars