Just wondering how many cubes you all use to feed your tank?
I have a 37 and a 30 and I use 3 cubes for both. Slightly a little too much
2 diamond gobies, 2 clowns, 1 spotted goby, 1 blue gugeon, 1 anemone, 2 star fishes
other tank has 3 damsels and a maroon.
How much do you feed and what kind of fishies? ***)
I have a 37 and a 30 and I use 3 cubes for both. Slightly a little too much
2 diamond gobies, 2 clowns, 1 spotted goby, 1 blue gugeon, 1 anemone, 2 star fishes
other tank has 3 damsels and a maroon.
How much do you feed and what kind of fishies? ***)