UV Sterilizer - yes or no?


I've gotten conflicting opinions on whether or not I should use a UV Sterilizer in my tank.
I only have a few corals - an open brain, green star polyp, xenia, yellow gorgonian, and a BTA.
I have a couple damsels, a percula clown, green spotted puffer, cuban hogfish, and a yellow tang.
The tank is a 92 gal bow front.
Is it better to leave the UV sterilizer in place or remove it from my set-up?
I'm not having any problems except for my hermit crabs killing my snails, but i just want to see what is the best thing to do for my little-bit-o-ocean-at-home.
As always, you are the experts and I appreciate all of your advice.


Active Member
Personally I don't like to use them on a display tank, especially a reef tank, but find them very helpful on a quarantine tank. A fish only or fowlr i might be more likely to use on particularly with Tangs. UV's will kill the little things your corals like to eat.
BTW, you might try feeding your crabs a piece of krill or a silverside once in a while. They're killing your snails 'cuz they're hungry.
UV sterilizers are good with bacterial diseases such as ICH, it will will off the ich in the water, along with other beneficial bacteria and planktons. but it dosent realy effect the water clarity

bang guy

Ich is a parasite, not bacterial. It can be killed by UV during the free-swimming stage but not at the recommended waterflow rate.


Active Member
I believe Uv sterilization does help the water stay clearer especially for from free floating algeas. My tank is clearer then it has ever been.


Active Member
you have it and it is hooked up stay with it but if you upgrade to a larger setup then leaving it out is not a real bad thing keeping for a quarentine tank is a good suggestion


Active Member
I always had one on my QT. Like Bang said, you just need to run the water through it real slow if theres parasite involved.


I have one and my Purple tang took to it right away. I thought maybe because he knows that the water comming out is germ free. He swam by the water return in a wavy motion as if bathing himself. The tank has been algae free since I installed it and believe it or not he had ich and now is as good as the day I got him. I recommend keeping it. :happyfish