Originally posted by gdamador
Hey Saltymom! My wife and I have been trying to have a baby for over three years! We have even tried two sessions of In Vitro and NOTHING!!!
Oh my gosh, it breaks my heart to hear that. I wish you two the very best of luck!! Nope, We didnt have outside help.. I finally got prego after I stopped trying so hard. Stopped thinking about it day and night, stopped marking the calendar every single month and counting days.
She was just a little surprize blessing. I had got my two boys in school and went back to work and been back to work for about 2 years. I won a cruize at the christmas party...and thats when the surprize happened!
Now, my brother and sister in law have been married six years and trying to have a baby. She has suffered three misscarriages in the past three years. They have finally decided to go to a specialist recently to see what the problems are. She doesnt seem to have a problem getting pregnant, its just staying pregnant..so, I told them that if the problem is her not being able to carry a baby to term..I would be more than willing to let thier doctors implant a fetus made from them into me and I would carry thier baby in MY belly for them!
Shes only 26, she is already an RN...I think she is just been under too much stress. She had been dating my brother since she was 14... she got out of HS and right into nursing school. She stayed right with it until she got her RN and she went thru alot of stress and hardwork to get there. Now she works in the OR and she is stressed all the time..and I think if she could just slow down alittle.. her body would handle a pregnancy.
Everytime she has gotten pregnant she just stresses and worries herself to pieces until she ends up in the hospital (as a patient!)
Anyways, ya just gotta stop worrying, thats what I say. I think as soon as ya start to think about something else. Maybe you decide a few of years down the road will be a better time for a baby, so you put it on the back burner and you go out get and get your self in debt for something big...a
to buy a ONE bedroom house on the beach or you take out a loan and buy a brand new corvette.......THEN it happens!! lol ...always, when your the least prepared!
...LOL, you could always rent a jacuzzi room on Valentines day...that seemed to work for us the FIRST time around!! lol
Good luck!!