Vermetid Snails...I hate them


Active Member
Supposedly they are harmless but boy are they annoying. I've been having a mucus problem in my tank. I just battled my third bloom and reviewed some of my past threads on my problem and found that reefkprz mentioned them. I somehow missed it. Anyway I've done a little research and pretty sure it's my problem. The article I read makes me think I've got them/it in my tank. Problem is there is little research or I just am not searching right and I still don't really know what to look for to spot them. Some pieces of my LR have white fuzz growing kind of like a mat and I don't know if it's related. I have these mucus strands that get caught on my LR, snails, powerhead cords and clog my filters fast. When I see them I try to hit them with a tooth brush or turkey baster and change my flow to get them into suspension. What can I do and how do I spot them. Not enough pictures and I don't cant find the source of the mucus strands. I'm at a loss.
Below is really the best picture I can get of the mucus strands. It's a picture of my sump as the mucus is getting stuck on my skimmer and rubble. They catch bubbles causing them to float or extend towards the surface.


Active Member
I don't see anything but that mucus strand is exactly what I've got times 100. It just sways from the rocks and some are thicker than others and some are brown from collecting detritus in the water column.
Nice pics.


Active Member
Maybe someone will chime in and know a way to wipe them out. Maybe have to pull the rock and dip with something. Or find the offending Vermatids and remove them physically. My son took my camera with him to NY for a trip or I would take a more recent pic of that same snail. Looks different now.


Active Member
I have so many questions. Yikes. Have you ever had what appears to be a bloom? That webbing has covered my tank three times and is still in some hard to reach areas of my rock. I've never really taken the time to inspect it because I generally blast my rock when I see it. I thought it was a flow issue which is why I'm re-scaping this weekend. I wonder if there is any toxicity to that mucus web? It really seems from all that I've read that I'm experiencing a lot more than others but I have yet to find the damn thing. I wonder if this excessive webbing can have an ill effect on my rocks and could possibly be the cause of my snail and shrimp death? My fire shrimp died today and I noticed in the last few days his back was covered in the stuff. Do you think that this webbing possibly could make my glass more slick and the snails foot can't get a good grip causing them to fall more easily?
So many questions. I really need to start keeping a log again.


Active Member
I see some red/pink is that coraline or am is that the actual worm extending? Maybe it's tube?
I read that someone suggested covering it with epoxy. It's supposed to be pretty sharp and reefkprz suggested smashing it with a rock.


Active Member
The snails never have produced as much goop in my tank like your getting.
I wish I knew. Sorry. I had a slime outbreak awhile back, but it was from my acros. My HOB skimmer went crazy and overflowed 3 gallons out till the pumps ALL stopped. The MH really stated cooking the water then and my SPS went into major combat mode. Thats how I ended up with 2 more Kenyas. The slime caused 2 branches to break off.
Need a Kenya tree. LOL


Active Member
Well I appreciate your help anyway. I think something's going on with my tank. Having lots of strange issues. New thread... Nah, no thanks on the kenya. I think I'm aiming for a "mat" coral tank zoas, gsp, cloves etc.
Still would like to hear from others. How can I get rid of these things assuming I find them. For all I know it's not my problem and it could be something else.
Thanks again. Correct me if I'm wrong but you fish right? I caught a 30lb tarpon Friday night.

bang guy

You will probably never get rid of them, they are a part of a natural reef tank.
You will be able to dratically reduce their numbers if you want. Ozone plus mechanical filtration will remove their food suppy and this will reduce the population.


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
Well I appreciate your help anyway. I think something's going on with my tank. Having lots of strange issues. New thread... Nah, no thanks on the kenya. I think I'm aiming for a "mat" coral tank zoas, gsp, cloves etc.
Still would like to hear from others. How can I get rid of these things assuming I find them. For all I know it's not my problem and it could be something else.
Thanks again. Correct me if I'm wrong but you fish right? I caught a 30lb tarpon Friday night.
Way to go on the Tarpon.
I think the smaller ones on light tackle are funner than the big-un's. I haven't had the boat out since I did Lobster opening back in August. I'm Jonesin'. Looks like you need one of these. I cut them out at work. S/S. And here is a recent pic of my vermatid.



I heard that you can get a clean pair of needle nose pliers and give them a pinch. I have three (that I can see) but they don't produce that much snot, only about an inch or two at the most. I guess I should pinch mine before they go crazy.