Very high Calcium Levels Hurting the Clam ?


i have a 3.5" maxima clam for 4 months now . its been two weeks that his been closed when the lights are on but its open at night . i dont see any snails on the rock or the clam . i oderdosed calcium in the tank , its a 500G . my Cal was around 620 ! i let it deacrease and now its 500 . my clam is doing better and its more open in the day ? is the calcium levels made it close or its the pinch desease . i has gone better since the calcium levels are down . and for some reason i see green hair algae in its big mouth !!!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by IvasawaJin http:///t/393118/very-high-calcium-levels-hurting-the-clam#post_3494810
i have a 3.5" maxima clam for 4 months now . its been two weeks that his been closed when the lights are on but its open at night . i dont see any snails on the rock or the clam . i oderdosed calcium in the tank , its a 500G . my Cal was around 620 ! i let it deacrease and now its 500 . my clam is doing better and its more open in the day ? is the calcium levels made it close or its the pinch desease . i has gone better since the calcium levels are down . and for some reason i see green hair algae in its big mouth !!!
I'm not a clam expert, and the Cal doesn't sound like the problem. However if you have green hair algae, then you also have high phosphates and nitrates which will cause a problem for the clam, and having it grow on the clam is a double whammy.
GHA feeds on PO4 and NO3, and to test for it won't help, since the algae is feeding on it, you will get a false negative reading. Water changes always helps and a phosphate reactor or running Chemipure will also help.


i cleaned the clam with a brush and say that the part where the clam attaches it self to a rock have hair algae and that where the mouth got the algae .


If you're having trouble keeping your Ca stable, you'll want to check your ALK as well as you Mg levels, as they're all inter-related. Clams really require stability in terms of water parameters, esp. PH, Ca, and temp.

bang guy

You didn't list your Alkalinity level. There is no more important parameter for Calcium carbonate building animals than Alkalinity. If Alkalinity is low, Calcium carbonate cannot be formed. If Calcium carbonate cannot be formed then the animals die.


my alk is 11 and i added cal and mag and stro so all of them are high with the same ratios . ill post a pic .

bang guy

One of your test kits is faulty. Your test results don't seem possible to me.
Can you list them all again? PH, temp, Ca, ALK, Mg
Maybe I can figure out which test kit needs to be replaced.