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Thanks all. I did a google search on longevity of coral beauties and they said that 7-8 years is max, so I guess I did good considering I don't really know how old it was when it was caught. Now it has me wondering about my other fish, most have been with me at least 6 yrs, some longer. I can at least say that they have all lived a very happy life and I have enjoyed them tremendously. Still stinks.
I don't think I will get another one, this one was absolutely a model citizen with all the coral I have added over the years. I can't be sure that another one will do the same.
What really disturbed me was that my clownfish (cinnamon) can live for 10 years or longer. 7 yrs, and counting. This fish has been my nemesis from day one. I can't put my hand in the tank without it attacking me....go figure, a nasty fish will out live all the good fish.
My clownfish is the same way! I had to have one and now I regret it every time I put my hand in the tank.... If you lived closer I'd give you my coral beauty, she doesn't touch coral. She beat up a lot of my fish in the very beginning and I hated her for it, but she's fine now.