this one lady wanted to hire a hit man to kill her husband because she didn't want to go through the trouble of a divorce... so she looks in the phone book, and finds a place called 'guns for hire', calls them, and tells them what she wants... now this store is a place where you hire actors for events. The guy calls the cops, and they setup a sting... WHO LOOKS IN THE PHONE BOOK FOR A HIT MAN???
this other lady wanted to kill her hubby, so she hired someone, only it was also a sting. The cop meets with her, they inform the hubby, and the set it up so it looks like he's dead (using ketchup... lol). The cops then bring the lady to where her hubby is, and of course she starts whaling.. 'oh i can't believe he's dead', etc... They bring her to the station to make a report, where her hubby walks in through the door, and she freaks out 'i can't believe you're alive'!!! hahaha, she got what's coming to her!!!
J(i guess i won't hire a hit man)D