Video of My Maroon making a mess


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
still wont! i hate realplayer!
Let it sit for like 5'll just come on..


Just wanted to say that watching your video concerns me about my Maroon Clownfish. I have seen mne stir up the sand like this once or twice in the past. However, it is no where as bad as ours. I hope mine is not going to turn into a monster like yours!


mine does that too. all around the anemone the substrate is removed down to glass i had to rearrange that end of my tank so it wouldn't collapse my rocks. its funny though when i clean around it gets pissed and moves it all back its tail is a little frayed at the end from doing it so much.


Active Member
I'll get some pictures of the bottom of my tank so you don't feel so bad sw65galma. I have small grain CC so it's not as irritating as kicked up sand, but man they do a number don't they?


Active Member
i think what he is doing is digging to the center of the earth so he can set up a time bomb that will reverse the flow of the mantle! Mwahuahahahahah. And you keep trying to stop him.
:hilarious :jumping:


Hmm, I cant see the videos but I also have 2 clowns that kick up sand like crazy. My 120 is totally cloudy today because they have been so active. This wont hurt my other fish will it?


I just hadto show my 4 yr old grandson the videos. He thought the fish was hilarious, we had to wach the videos several times each, but he also wanted to see more pics of your other fishes.


Active Member
my maroon doesn't do anything like that at all :thinking:
maybe yours wants a mate. i've always had a pair and all they ever want to do is looking for each other or staying in/near the anemone.


I have to tell you that my husband is not into the whole fish thing quiet as much as me but when he read and saw the pictures of your tank............... the was dying. I couldn't get him to stop laughing. So know that your pain has brought someone in this world a bit of happiness. :hilarious I can't wait to show him the video. Thanks and keep it coming. How can you not love that fish.


Active Member
those two videos are AmAzing!!!! i'm sure id hate him in my tank if he did that, but seeing it in yours is a whole different store,lol, sorry :hilarious :hilarious

keep up the good work

Luke P


New Member
I feel your pain...I have one that does the same thing, although not as bad as yours. The bottom of my tank always looks like it has recently suffered a mortar attack. I too well recognize the pile of sand up next to the glass.
You want to make them really mad????
Flatten the sand back out...No sooner do I get out of the tank before it is right back to it's old tricks, only with a vengeance.


Is the maroon clown still messing up your tank?I bought one a couple of days ago
and she kicks up sand with her tail. :happyfish


Haha, that maroon is well cool. I love her :p
I had a damsel that did that. He was hilarious to watch


Love it! I guess your not suppose to but I think its funny(happening to you) I have one clown in my 45 corner and would like to get a pair. Any suggestion? By the way the grandkids wondered why my clown does not do that.


Ocellaris Clown tank-bred (Europe). It's yellow and black. From DF&S. Until about a month ago a lfs told me they could vary greatly in colors. Grandkids wanted "Nemo".


I actually caught my Maroon Clown doing the same thing the other day! :thinking:
glad to see mine isn't the only Nut in the house!

Dxtr -