Views on different plants.



Well my HOB refugium is comming in pretty soon and now I need to worry about what I am going to put in it. I have a deep enough sand bed too just scoop some out of my display, but I am not too sure on what kinds of plants or algaes I should put in it. I am going to have a 13 watt running 24/7 if that makes any difference. I really just want something that will suck up a lot of nitrates with little care. Any advice from you beasle bob would be great!


Asbury, Its called a CPR aquafuge I think. Search for it and see what you find. It hangs right on the back. The only bad thing is it does not hold very much water.


Kipass, I was wondering where I could get some of these algaes. No LFS anywhere near me.


Active Member
Not to interupt but could you ship some macro Kip, to Oklahoma and how much would it be. Can't you ship it without water.


Active Member
how much could i get you to ship some for with a couple heat packs, or would that not even help


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by YAE4Volcom
Well my HOB refugium is comming in pretty soon and now I need to worry about what I am going to put in it. I have a deep enough sand bed too just scoop some out of my display, but I am not too sure on what kinds of plants or algaes I should put in it. I am going to have a 13 watt running 24/7 if that makes any difference. I really just want something that will suck up a lot of nitrates with little care.
Any advice from you beasle bob would be great!

And a general thanks :D
Actually, any plant life is extremely easy to care for. At least compared to the alternatives.
First, our hosts SWF do have shaving brushes and that is an option. And they ship them the same as livestock to they should arrive in good shape.
What I did was an google search on macro algae or macroalgae. Several good sources came up from that. If you want links email me at
I agree with kip and have had brillo pad algae for about 8 months now. It does appear to be extremely hardy. Mine is slow growing under my 18 watt (eq to 90 watt incandescant) refug lighting. when I had it in the display my anemone crabs eat a tunnel through it which the fish enjoyed swimming in.
I have had my best luck with kelp like caulpera. my worst luck with a long feather caulpera.
My tang really likes to pick on and eat the tumble weed (gracialeria spelling) But that does not look all that nice and tends break up into seperate strands.
I really like the blade of grass like turtle grass which is an actually rooted marine plant. My 6 plants have survived and grown but no new plants have spread yet.
Depending on how your system is setup you might also consider mangroves. Mangroves are not only rooted but grow above the water in the air and produce flowers. With a HOB refug, house plant like plants at the top back of the tank may look very nice.
Hope that all helps


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Kipass4130
...good to see ya bob... was worried you got scared off

thanks kip. wish i could have been here.