

Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
No I did NOT accuse a member here of hacking into a computer, from my understanding the album was not his as he said he had to ask his LFS about the pic. I WAS trying to find out who's it was. I'm sorry it was taken that way.
A post in the reef section has a link to a photoalbum. In this photo album are pictures from my computer, these pics where never posted anywhere. This to me means that someone has hacked into my computer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
I? Also remember that I don't have the resources you as a moderator have. My only source was the original poster, but you thought his coral ID was more important. .
What resources do we have?
We can open, close, edit posts on SWF. That is all.
All I did was go to the site where you implied that your picture was posted, searched awhile, and I didn't see it. There are no special resources that we have.
Several people spent time trying to help you. I will admit, I thought it unlikely that someone hacked your computer to steal a picture of a LMB (however nice!) and post it on a board. I am glad that a reasonable explaination was found!!! :cheer:

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
A post in the reef section has a link to a photoalbum. In this photo album are pictures from my computer, these pics where never posted anywhere. This to me means that someone has hacked into my computer.
And does it say I think the poster did it? No! I came across pictures that seemed to be taken from my computer and were in a photo album. If you read the original posts before they were taken down, you would have read me demanding to know WHO"s album it was. I never accused the poster of anything. I DID NOT even think the album was his, that was what I was trying to find out.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
What resources do we have?
We can open, close, edit posts on SWF. That is all.
All I did was go to the site where you implied that your picture was posted, searched awhile, and I didn't see it. There are no special resources that we have.
Several people spent time trying to help you. I will admit, I thought it unlikely that someone hacked your computer to steal a picture of a LMB (however nice!) and post it on a board. I am glad that a reasonable explaination was found!!! :cheer:
It was'nt that someone took a pic of a LMB, it was the fact that it appeared that someone had access to files on my computer. If you had read ALL of my posts, including the ones that were deleted, you would understand this.
The only one who seemed to try and help was Viper. Bang guy was just interested in closing and locking my threads. the rest of you have just chimed in after the fact, and if you ask me it's starting to look like "let's stick up for one another". I'm done with this, according to all of you, I'm wrong your right. I will leave it at that. Have a nice day!

my way

Active Member
BTW, thank you Shogun, but by the time you posted this, someone else on another board figured it out for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
It was'nt that someone took a pic of a LMB, it was the fact that it appeared that someone had access to files on my computer. If you had read ALL of my posts, including the ones that were deleted, you would understand this.
The only one who seemed to try and help was Viper. Bang guy was just interested in closing and locking my threads. the rest of you have just chimed in after the fact, and if you ask me it's starting to look like "let's stick up for one another". I'm done with this, according to all of you, I'm wrong your right. I will leave it at that. Have a nice day!

FWIW, I did read all of your posts...sorry, one "power" we have is to read deleted posts. And, IMO, the tone was demanding and accusatory. That is the implied tone, which is certainly not often accurate or intended. That is all people are saying (in short, I think what I am saying is "Sorry, tarponiser")
Personally, I would be thankful that it was sorted out, that people took the time to do so, that people were trying to help you, and blush just a tad because in the end
- and we are at the end - you overreacted to something that is, on reflection, a "D'OH!" moment.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
BTW, thank you Shogun, but by the time you posted this, someone else on another board figured it out for me.
No problem. just trying to help.


Active Member
My Way, sorry you feel ganged up on...
Here's what happened from our perspective: You *appeared* to be accusing someone of hacking your comp. Now, that may not be what you were saying, but it came across that way. One of the mods edited your posts (and others who were on responding back to you, btw) and several if not every mod who was on this morning, started looking through the links trying to find the pic that you were speaking of.
As Ophiura pointed out, as Mods we don't have that many abilities.
We all took your comments seriously and were doing what we could.
Also as Ophiura pointed out, we've reached the end of this issue. I hope you can understand our position. We weren't out to get you, we were trying to verify what you were saying.

bang guy

From my perspected I tried to ask politely that the thread not be hijacked further. That request was ignored (twice) so I "unhijacked" the thread by force.