volcano tank


just wanted to share this video of a volcano tank that i think is amazing i found this video on youtube....let me know what you guys think...


Originally Posted by SaGxMAN http:///t/391141/volcano-tank#post_3467372
That's flippin' amazing. I loved when the crab grabbed the food and ran up the mountain!
yeah that was cool... i never seen a setup like this before it just makes me think out the box with what you can do with a saltwater setup..just amazing


Well-Known Member
I think it looks awesome...but not for me. I can just see my grandchildren having a ball with a tank like that to play in.
I also have to wonder...is my house the only one with dust? Wouldn't a tank like that attract all the little fuzzies floating in the air? The heat and the moisture is a perfect combo to draw everything even cat and dog hair, besides the dust.


Active Member
we have 16 cats 3 dogs 9 ferrets and other fuzzy stuff too yours is definitely not the only one with an amazing amount of dust and dander...... LOLZ


Well-Known Member
Yeah, this tank has popped up before. It's absolutely an inspiration to watch....I don't think I'd ever leave the house if this was mine.
Reefkprz, 16 cats, Really??? Boy, your kitty litter bill must be the size of a small car payment!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///t/391141/volcano-tank#post_3467563
Yeah, this tank has popped up before. It's absolutely an inspiration to watch....I don't think I'd ever leave the house if this was mine.
Reefkprz, 16 cats, Really??? Boy, your kitty litter bill must be the size of a small car payment!
I was afraid to comment....
Maybe most of them are outside kitties.


thats to many dependants... do you claim them on your taxes??? lol
I have enough dust with just 3 people and 2 dogs, I cant imagine how much dust all those animals would make! (by the way dust freaks me out knowing that its mainly made up of dead skin cells,,, ICK)


Well-Known Member
We've got 2 humans, 2 cats, one dog, and assorted fish. Had a beautiful jenday conure, but he had to be donated to the local aviary because we moved and he was too noisy.
Never owning a bird again.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///t/391141/volcano-tank#post_3467610
We've got 2 humans, 2 cats, one dog, and assorted fish. Had a beautiful jenday conure, but he had to be donated to the local aviary because we moved and he was too noisy.
Never owning a bird again.
2 humans, two dogs and two fish tanks.... and then we have an Amazon Parrot who only cuts up at evening time before bed, and when any noise is being made, like a TV up loud or vacuum cleaner...my mother has been giving him the stink eye for months now, he has decided to join Judge Judy screaming (Mothers favorite). He may not last in the home much longer.


Lol at Judge Judy imitation. My friend's parrot used to mimic the dog's bark and say "shut up Rocky!"


Well-Known Member
Cool concept when it was first done. I believe the tank was redone a couple of times since that picture and eventually taken down last I heard.


Active Member
I was going for the same concept. My tank has the same dimensions but is 2 inches smaller in height. And after thinking the evaporation wouldve suck. But it was the reason why i started my tank