Wait, you're a BILLIONAIRE pro golfer? I had no idea...


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
BECAUSE when you get married...you don't cheat regardless of who you are.....there is a thing called DIVORCE if you feel you need many other women in your life...OR...JUST DON'T GET MARRIED
If there was any inkling that this marriage would be rock solid for years to come, why was there a prenuptual agreement? That's the difference between a 'common' marriage, and one where someone who is wealthy and famous is involved. If Tiger a nd Elin new this marriage would always last, a prenup should have never been brought up before they got married. I'm sure his lawyers, accountants, and every other bloodsucker that clung onto him told him that was the smart thing to do, but just accepting it as 'standard procedure' for someone being wealthy and famous, doesn't cut it with me. I think many of these famous people use prenups as a 'get out of jail free card' to cheat or lie to their spouse. It's always in the back of their mind, "I know I shouldn't do this to my spouse, but he/she did agree to a prenup. Since he/she did, maybe they have some reservations about getting married to me as well." Does it make it right? Of course not.


I think a pre-nup is a good financial move for anyone wishing to protect what they have worked so hard for. Tiger doesn't have a fortune, he has an empire. I think his $$ somehow gave him the notion that he was invincible or immune to what his morals really are. Erin is smart, she bought a house, and started this a long time ago-she knew; it just came to a head at T Giving. As far as suffering, he won't, he will whine about "reconciliation and fixing his marriage", that's just more media hype. Erin should and dump his sorry a...; step out once, shame on you; step out twice +....shame on me. And off topic a bit-I still can't call golf a sport!


Active Member
People are a little off base here...Elin's parents were far from poor. Her father, if I'm not mistaken, is a doctor in Sweden and she herself was working as a nanny for another millionaire golfer. She initially turned Tiger down when he came a courtin', if she was looking for money, why would she have done that?
Secondly...DO NOT defend Tiger. He cheated on his wife NUMEROUS TIMES, not just one little indiscretion. He then lied and deceived WHO KNOWS HOW MANY TIMES to cover it up (even after he had been busted). Yes, he has done a lot for charity...but how many of those charities would now only take his money rather than have him make an appearance on their behalf?
Blaming the wife is simply shameful. Also...there was a prenup when they got married, which is now being re-worked due to the fact that Tiger couldn't keep it in his pants (lord knows how many more women are out there that DON'T want to come forward)...are there any reports, rumors, or photos of Elin cheating on Tiger?
I lost a TON of respect for Tiger a long time ago when he saw fit to kick a wedge down the fairway at Firestone Country Club while using just about every 4 letter word that he could think of after hitting a "bad" shot (landed about 12 feet away from 150ish) with roughly 5 or 6 thousand children following his every move. WHAT A ROLE MODEL!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by browniebuck
People are a little off base here...Elin's parents were far from poor. Her father, if I'm not mistaken, is a doctor in Sweden and she herself was working as a nanny for another millionaire golfer. She initially turned Tiger down when he came a courtin', if she was looking for money, why would she have done that?
Secondly...DO NOT defend Tiger. He cheated on his wife NUMEROUS TIMES, not just one little indiscretion. He then lied and deceived WHO KNOWS HOW MANY TIMES to cover it up (even after he had been busted). Yes, he has done a lot for charity...but how many of those charities would now only take his money rather than have him make an appearance on their behalf?
Blaming the wife is simply shameful. Also...there was a prenup when they got married, which is now being re-worked due to the fact that Tiger couldn't keep it in his pants (lord knows how many more women are out there that DON'T want to come forward)...are there any reports, rumors, or photos of Elin cheating on Tiger?
I lost a TON of respect for Tiger a long time ago when he saw fit to kick a wedge down the fairway at Firestone Country Club while using just about every 4 letter word that he could think of after hitting a "bad" shot (landed about 12 feet away from 150ish) with roughly 5 or 6 thousand children following his every move. WHAT A ROLE MODEL!!!
I'm not blaming her, or defending him. But history has shown that all these celebrities who get married with prenups, end up in divorce due to similar situations like Tiger's.
I think Tiger's 'meltdown' both on and off the course are due to him still not being able to deal with his father's death. The guy was squeaky clean (as far as appearances went in the public) while his father was alive. His dad kept a tight reign on him, and had more control over his life than he led the public to believe. His dad was his idol, his mentor, his touchstone. After his dad died, these childish tirades on the course occurred more often. I guarantee you he would've only been able to get away with that 'Firestone Incident' one time if his dad would've been there to see it. The problems you saw on the course just manifested to these 'events' of his off the course. Again, I'm not defending his actions, but people handle deaths of major family members in different ways. Some hold it in, some act out, some do both, some go to some very strange extremes, as in the case of Tiger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
Maybe where your from.
Planet earth? Up until then women, at least in this country most women didn't typically work outside the home and damn few had career. They had to depend on the husband to support them and any children they were going to have.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by browniebuck
Secondly...DO NOT defend Tiger. He cheated on his wife NUMEROUS TIMES, not just one little indiscretion. He then lied and deceived WHO KNOWS HOW MANY TIMES to cover it up (even after he had been busted). Yes, he has done a lot for charity...but how many of those charities would now only take his money rather than have him make an appearance on their behalf?
Blaming the wife is simply shameful. Also...there was a prenup when they got married, which is now being re-worked due to the fact that Tiger couldn't keep it in his pants (lord knows how many more women are out there that DON'T want to come forward)...are there any reports, rumors, or photos of Elin cheating on Tiger?
I lost a TON of respect for Tiger a long time ago when he saw fit to kick a wedge down the fairway at Firestone Country Club while using just about every 4 letter word that he could think of after hitting a "bad" shot (landed about 12 feet away from 150ish) with roughly 5 or 6 thousand children following his every move. WHAT A ROLE MODEL!!!
Nobody should care but his wife. I dont think any less of him. Cause I dont care what he did to her. He never screwed me over.
This isnt about his cheating but......
People have a Brain fart. This man takes golf so serious its his life and how he makes a living isnt it? Who cares about how many kids were watching. You never tripped or smashed a finger or hurt yourself in anyway in front of a kid and said a few curse words? Yeah I bet you have and probably more than once. What the heck is the difference? He got mad regardless for what reason and said a few words. BLAH freaking Blah! He is HUMAN. He isnt god.
Lose respect for his 1 little antic in his many many years of golfing and being in the public light but dont praise him for the millions he has given to charities or all the things he has done an entire sport and almost a race of people. Lose respect cause he cussed a little on tv.


Active Member
Yeah...he has done a lot of good...but that doesn't mean that I have to respect this guy. Mike Tyson has donated millions to charities, Michael Vick has donated millions, OJ Simpson has donated large sums of money as well...does that mean that they are great people?? He has also been linked to prostitution, but should that be forgiven because he has donated money to charity?
My loss of respect was based on the one event that I witnessed in person, my friends that have been at other tournaments, charity golf events, practice rounds have said the same thing...this guy is a grade A hot headed jerk.
As a teacher, I have had many opportunities to use vulgar language in the classroom (having textbooks thrown at me while teaching emotionally disturbed students, being accidentally pepper sprayed while breaking up a fight while also teaching emotionally disturbed students, having a student accidentally fall into my surgically repaired knee, having a student tell me to "go F myself" when given a consequence)...but never once have I gone Tiger on my students. Am I perfect, no...but I have never let down the students that count on me day in and day out, I have never cheated on my wife, I have never been linked to prostitution...but you are right, I don't have the public always watching my every move (but I think that if I did...I would be a heck of a lot more careful than Tiger).


Active Member
OMG! You are not comparing Tiger to Tyson, Vic or OJ.
I never saw him as much of a role model... he was a golfer and that's all I knew of him.


Active Member
Just trying to prove a point...I don't think that Tiger is anywhere near as bad as those three, however those three also made large charitable contributions. Crypt Keeper was trying to say that Tiger should be given a free pass because he gives to charities...where do you stop excusing people for their charitable contributions? When this whole thing originally blew up, everybody thought that we were talking about one indiscretion...to find out that the number of indiscretions is ever growing not to mention the amount of deceit, lack of respect shown to the woman that he married, and the example that he is setting for his own children, not to mention the hundreds of thousands that look up to him...he went from a good, solid human being to...who knows how far he will fall?


BUT Tiger hurt himself and his family.....he did not commit something illegal like murder, dog fighting, or ra@@
Personally I could care less about any of this


Active Member
I have no respect for anyone who cheats on their spouse and children. Does it affect the quality of my like? No, I could really care less cause I don't follow golf anyway. If I want to smack the ground with a stick and cuss I will sign up for the next Python hunt down in Florida.


Giving your money to charity should come from ones' heart; you and I. But when you are a mega hitter with so much money, you are acutally forced to. Talk to any money mangement specialist, they'll tell you. Its a legal form of tax evasion. Look at Bill and Melinda Gates....big on the charity scene, but its not out of the goodness of their hearts. Its a necessity. That being said, does not make him immune to morality. And please, the daddy issues? Who doesn't have them...I think he will end up on TV with his own talk show, maybe replace Oprah.


Active Member
Tiger Woods is not stupid.... i think he knew what he was getting in the deal...i hate gold diggers but come on, you think he didnt know ahead of time ?