Originally Posted by stimpy4242
So I am in the process of upgrading to a larger tank and want to use my 55g as my sump/fuge. I bought this tank from Walmart and thought perhaps AGA made it. I called AGA and they said yes they sell to walmart and yes the bottom is tempered but the sides are definitely NOT tempered. There are a couple posts on here that say the opposite. Any advice from anyone with a walmart 55g tank that has had the sides drilled? I am going to do it...but would like to have some input first...
Go to Wally World, look at the tank inside the box. You would be best to open box and look at it, as big box stores do not have the greatest track record for handling items with care anyhow, so why rish dragging home a cracked tank......On the bottom will be a tag between the plastic bottom trim and the bottom glass. It will say tempered and often times state what part is tempered. If it does not have a tag odds are its not tempered. I have seen Perfecto and AGA in various wally world stores, and without that tech person at AGA knowing the model number etc etc (not just the size) its a shot in the dark. At one time who ever did make wally world tanks did in fact use tempered glass in various positions, Some had all glass pieces tempered, others just bottom. Reasoning was from what I was told was it was a method to keep folks from buying a cheap tank and drilling it......so it forced them to buy the drilled tanks at a higher ocst at lfs.....nothing to do with safety issues etc, more of a control of the trade and sales. Now at most allthat is different is the plastic trim and in some cases that is not even changed. Its just not profitable to run multiple lines to cater to a few customers when one line fits all needs. One time they used to run Hot point appliances on one assembly line and GE on another, in the same plant, now they all come down the same exact assembly line and get the differences added where needed.
Trust me there is a tag on new tanks if its tempered....