Want to know what the OWS is rallying about?

bang guy

Beth, keep in mind that for a Corp owned 100% by US taxpayers, all profits are taxed at the capital gains rate once the profits are disbursed to the owners. THAT is where infrastructure is paid for, by those receiving the profits and only those receiving the profits. Corporate tax is paid by the consumers of the product and I think that's backwards. It should be paid by those profiting from the product.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/388873/want-to-know-what-the-ows-is-rallying-about#post_3432441
Its a study that supports the claim that America's largest/wealthiest corporations pay less taxes then your average taxpayer
and goes into how they do it--basically using accelerated depreciation (tax write-offs), tax breaks on employee stock options, tax subsidies for certain industries (ie ethanol production), off-shore tax shelters, degrading the Alternative Min. Tax laws.
The biased crew will be along shortly to offer their slanted insight. LOL
Silly me
I was unaware that coporations actually paid any taxes. But rather acted a tax collectors for the government with the customers actually paying the taxes.
Silly me.