Want to see the people who frequent this site..


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Actually 42lbs. What's really cool is the cow that was with him wouldn't bite. She kept circling the boat so I jumped in and swam around with her. What beautiful fish when they are alive.
They are amazing underwater when they are all colored up. Some of the most colorful fish in the ocean. People rarely get to see what they look like before they are slamming themselves to death in the box. Anybody from south Florida know a 28' Whitewater called "Predator"? The boat is white, black, and teal and has a black T-top.... That would be me..... Not down there very often, but when I do, I slay some fish. I've got a few nice secret spots on my gps, right around the hump and bimini, that produce tons of fishies. I've caught makos, sails, blue marlin, hammerheads, bulls, HUGE tuna, and some monster dolphin all within a mile of each other.


Active Member
MORE PICS!!!! It can be with your sig other, dog, cat, fish, caught fish...whatever. We are slipping.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
MORE PICS!!!! It can be with your sig other, dog, cat, fish, caught fish...whatever. We are slipping.
Careful what you ask fork. Caught last month.
Wahoo Guns caught 300' off of Sebastian Inlet.

Zambezi Shark "Bull" about 8-9'. The hook was a 12/O hook about the size of my hand. Caught in 12' of water off of Sanibel.


Active Member
reefreak, the hairdo on your kid almost rivals coraljunkys, if you look at the past pics you will know what I am talking about...funny stuff. Great looking Shepherd.


Active Member
heres my cat fatty mc fatfat and tobeaner last winter when he was bald still
and tobins cat baxter with the munchies !


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
reefreak, the hairdo on your kid almost rivals coraljunkys, if you look at the past pics you will know what I am talking about...funny stuff. Great looking Shepherd.
ty and lol yeah i saw the hair very funny , and jake is just awsome with the kid


Active Member
Here are a pic of a sweet 115lb wahoo according to the Bahamian scale
, just around Memory Rock lost one you could put a football in its mouth at the boat, must have been 140+lbs.....yea I know I had a few too many
rum and cokes



Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
heres my cat fatty mc fatfat and tobeaner last winter when he was bald still
and tobins cat baxter with the munchies !
FRITOS, makes cat food? For the cat who has the munchies?


Active Member
this is what i looked like before i was sick or right at the beginning of it, some of you said i looked like chuck norris
and this is my son preston...tobin


Active Member
Tobin, not to pry, but what is the relationship with jennythebugg? I have no idea.
And remember the following, Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.


Active Member
she at one time was my fiancee but with me being sick alot lately downsized to wonderful gf if this does end up doing me in i don't want to stick her with a million dollar debt, so we are happy with living in alot of gettin down sin...tobin
p.s i hope god is ok with this in my situation!


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
she at one time was my fiancee but with me being sick alot lately downsized to wonderful gf if this does end up doing me in i don't want to stick her with a million dollar debt, so we are happy with living in alot of gettin down sin...tobin
p.s i hope god is ok with this in my situation!

Oh our wonderful health care system, but that could give you an idea for another thread. I think with that logic, god or whoever will be just fine with it.
She can still be a 50 year fiance? No? Sounds like a good woman, taking care of you and all.


Active Member
i went ahead and logged in ...thanx good woman i dont know ,good girlfreind fiance, best friend, yeah. i would give my left kidney for tobin...who knows he may need it at the rate he's going hehe


Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i went ahead and logged in ...thanx good woman i dont know ,good girlfreind fiance, best friend, yeah. i would give my left kidney for tobin...who knows he may need it at the rate he's going hehe

Both of you have restored my faith in humanity....Thank you.....