Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Seller also lists the actual contents with one line of this is not what you will get. Obvious the intent is to defraud...he/she COULD end up in jail if some DA wishes to pursue, This is not an auction promoting a box only.........the intent is to decieve and defraud....guilty
how many times have you all signed a cell phone agreement woth out reading the entire contract, same with a credit card, opening an account....???
I can gurantee if he printed out what was stated on the sites page they court would look at the buyer.
BUYER BEWARE wasn't said with out a good reason behind it.
I do not agree with what this person is doing. I think they are seriously taking advantage of the fack that it is near Xmas as well as knowing that right now this is the hardest thing to come across right now.
But from a court's perspective they will look at the entire page of what was written.
The buyer will lose.
do i think that would be right, of course not.
but in this day and age you REALLY have to look at where you are buying and who are you buying from.
especially on-line