Not as much as I used to, but I used to test each and every batch for pH, alk, calcium and phospates.
I've tested for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate as well.
This is how I found out my tap water was crap.
Phosphates and nitrates were present - but unpredictable.
This of course was after fighting nuisance alage coming out my ears.
It also led me to forking out the dough for a RO/DI unit.
Testing for pH, alk and calcium led me to rather funky conclusions with newly mixed saltwater too.
This is how I found out how important it is for ME - to aerate my RO/DI water overnight - BEFORE mixing in the saltmix.
This tooks months to figure out - and I wasn't sure what was going on until I spoke to the tech department at Aquarium Systems-Instant Ocean in Mentor Ohio.
I spot check newly mixed saltwater now only when I open a new bucket of Instant Ocean. If all tersts check out following my same exact mixing procedure - then I move ahead.
I don't like doing water tests anymore than most people. Sometimes it's a pain in the you-know-what.
But ....... it's the only way to have a good idea on what's going in the tank. Learning it the hard way stinks - but will change my behavior fast. Got too much time, effort and money wrapped up in the tank to take too many short cuts.
Once you get your procedure down - and follow it each and every time, and do a series of tests once or twice - as long as you don't deviate from the procedure - I feel it's safe to skip some of the tests.
Testing stinks, but not near as bad as trying to "fix" something wrong with the tank - ya know
sorry for long reply - simple question - not so simple answer.